My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4836 4836 He started shaking again

Stunned, he watched Sima Batian flee further and further away. It was not until the background completely disappeared that Zhong Lingjun suddenly came back to his senses. Unfortunately, it was too late to run away at this time. Poor Mr. Zhong was so frightened that his legs became weak and he almost sat down on the ground.

Fortunately, Zhong Lingxiu didn't run away, and her family could still be trusted at critical moments. However, with the lessons learned from Sima Batian's master and his disciples, he didn't have much hope for Zhong Lingxiu. He just thought that it would be easier for two people to be beaten than for one person to be beaten. Who would have thought that Zhong Lingxiu's cultivation level has actually reached the seventh level of the Emperor's Saint, and the power of this sword is obviously not as simple as that of the seventh level of the Emperor's Saint.

As a result, Mr. Zhong, who was so frightened that he was so weak just now, was instantly resurrected with full blood and started to tremble again. He really didn't believe it anymore, this Gu Fenghua's cultivation level could be stronger than the eighth level Emperor Saint!

He guessed right. Gu Fenghua's cultivation was indeed not as strong as the eighth-grade Emperor Saint. Like Zhong Lingxiu, she was also a seventh-grade Emperor Saint.

However, the seventh-grade Emperor Saint and the seventh-grade Emperor Saint are actually not exactly the same. Even if their true combat power exceeds their cultivation level, they are still different from each other.

Amid everyone's exclamations and Zhong Lingjun's wild laughter, Gu Fenghua also took action, slashing at the opponent with the long sword wrapped in thick silk cloth.

Just like Zhong Lingxiu's sword, it is also so simple and pure, with no change or mystery at all.

"Boom!" Two sword beams collided fiercely in mid-air, and in the vast wasteland, a shocking sound spread far away, echoing endlessly throughout the world.

The earth is trembling, and the entire Yunjin City is also trembling. If it were not for the protection of the formation, maybe the ancient city wall that has stood for thousands of years will collapse in the trembling.

Centered on the place where the swords met, air waves rolled up and flew sand and rocks. A cloud of dust blocked the sight. The invisible air waves surged in, shaking the crowd around them back. Even Sima Jingnan and Zhu Sifang retreated several times. step.

With great difficulty, they managed to steady themselves and looked at the cloud of flying dust, with expressions of horror and worry.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have believed that two young juniors could erupt with such terrifying power when fighting against each other. However, they didn't know whether Gu Fenghua could block Zhong Lingxiu's powerful sword.

The breeze blew, the dust gradually dispersed, and finally, a beautiful and graceful figure appeared in their sight again. The breeze blew through her hair, and her white face was still so delicate and beautiful, and still so relaxed and indifferent, and there was not even a trace of dust on her body, as if the shocking sword just now had nothing to do with her.

"Gu Fenghua!"

"She's okay, she's actually okay!"

"How is this possible? How can she be fine!" Everyone opened their eyes in surprise and murmured in disbelief.

"Seventh-grade Emperor Saint, it turns out she is also a seventh-grade Emperor Saint!" Suddenly, someone pointed at Gu Fenghua and exclaimed.

Sure enough, seven golden holy beads appeared between Gu Fenghua's eyebrows. Just as everyone guessed, her cultivation level is indeed higher than Luo Enen and others, and her strength is stronger.

"It turns out to be the seventh grade Emperor Saint, but it still doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense." However, when they finally saw Gu Fenghua's cultivation clearly, everyone's expressions became more surprised and more confused.

Although Zhong Lingxiu's sword looks extremely simple, at the same time, it also stimulates the power contained in the holy energy to the extreme, and exerts it to the extreme through the ancient and clumsy long sword in his hand that is obviously of extraordinary quality. Emperor Saint Below the eighth level, it would be difficult to block his sword.

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