My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4838 4838 She is looking for death!

There were tens of thousands of people watching the battle both above and below the city. Although no one had the nerve to laugh out loud due to concerns about Zhong Lingxiu's identity, those eyes with teasing smiles were still like thousands of arrows shooting towards his heart. Come stabbing.

"Gu Fenghua, don't be too proud, this has just begun." Zhong Lingxiu stood up with a mixture of shame and anger, and roared at Gu Fenghua.

It can be seen that although Gu Fenghua's sword just shocked his internal organs, the injury was not serious. In just a moment, the energy flowing in his body was restored to its original state.

"It's enough to have a start. Go back. You are no match for me. Go back and practice hard, and come back to me in a few years." Gu Fenghua said.

That gentle and indifferent expression is like an elder teaching a younger one, so earnest and thoughtful, so magnanimous.

Without these words, Zhong Lingxiu, who had just suffered a lot, might not have taken action easily, but as soon as these words came out, he was completely angered.

"Chaos, the sky opens!" Zhong Lingxiu roared wildly, and slashed out with his ancient long sword again.

In an instant, the entire world lost its color, and everything in the world seemed to have completely fallen into silence at this moment, just like the chaos before the world opened.

Sudden! A divine light flashed like a star falling across the sky.

The chaotic sky opens, transforms into yin and yang, and divides into five elements. Rays of divine light, like divine swords penetrating the heaven and earth, shrouded Gu Fenghua from all directions with the purest and most profound mysteries of the changes in yin and yang and the conflict between the five elements.

Although they were outside the battle, and although they all knew that the target of Zhong Lingxiu's sword was Gu Fenghua and not herself, when the sword was struck, everyone couldn't help but trembled, just like this sword It was coming towards him - no, not just them, everything in the world seemed to be covered by this sword, unable to evade or compete!

"What a powerful sword!" Someone murmured to himself, his voice trembling slightly.

"What an exquisite sword!" Someone else murmured to himself, his voice also trembling.

This sword is obviously different from the previous sword. The previous sword was just pure sword power, but this sword, in addition to the sword power, also contains endless mysteries, including the principles of heaven and earth of Yin Yang and Five Elements.

Let alone those at the same level as the seventh-grade Emperor Saint, even those at the eighth-grade Emperor Saint would probably have a hard time resisting Zhong Lingxiu's exquisite sword.

"Gu Fenghua, as long as you apologize and admit your mistake, I will spare your life." Zhong Lingxiu was not in a hurry to put Gu Fenghua to death. Perhaps he felt that killing her like this would not be able to wash away the shame she had brought to him. , he concentrated the sword lights in mid-air with his mind, and shouted loudly to Gu Fenghua.

"Go back, I really do it for your own good." Gu Fenghua said again seriously.

She is looking for death! She is looking for death! The same thought came to everyone's mind.

Although Gu Fenghua has shown great strength, and the previous sword gave him the upper hand, Zhong Lingxiu's sword is not comparable to the previous sword. It is so profound and mysterious that even the powerful eighth-level Emperor Saint can't. They couldn't resist it. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't even dare to believe that there was such an exquisite sword skill in the world.

Gu Fenghua said this, wasn't he seeking death?

Sima Jingnan held the hilt of the sword hard. Because he was too nervous, the veins on the backs of his fingers were exposed, and cold sweat dripped on his forehead.

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