My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4852 4852 Her heart was shocked

"I really can't tell at all. If we hadn't seen Zhong Lingxiu today, we wouldn't have dared to imagine that Wuji Holy Heaven would have such a young seventh-grade Emperor Saint with such exquisite and mysterious sword skills." Zhu Sifang said. , and then added, "By the way, Fenghua is the same."

Wuji Shengtian has countless sword skills and holy methods. I won’t go into details about the ones that are too low in grade. No one will care about them. The higher the grade, the greater the reputation and the more records left. They will always have some impression.

For example, Fatty Bai's Beidou Batian and Ye Wuse's Holy Soul Tianpo. They didn't react when they first met. Later, they got an impression after thinking about it carefully. If they check the ancient books again, it's not difficult to see through it. The sword skills of the two were inherited. If they were disciples of Wuji Shengtian, it would not be difficult to find out their origins.

As for Gu Fenghua and Zhong Lingxiu's sword skills, they were completely confused. Apart from being shocked, they were still shocked and had no impression at all.

"Perhaps, her martial arts and sword skills were only recently understood. No one has practiced them before, so even President Zhu and City Lord Sima don't know anything about it." Gu Fenghua suddenly said.

Although her experience is not as good as that of Zhu Sifang and Sima Jingnan, she does not know how many fragments of ancient books she has read, because all the martial arts, swordsmanship, and strange skills taught by her brothers come from the Supreme Heaven. She is very familiar with the way of cultivation. His understanding is even higher than that of the two.

If Zhong Lingxiu's martial arts and sword skills were passed down from ancient times, she would be somewhat impressed. However, even she couldn't see any clues. Then the only possibility is that her martial arts and sword skills were actually discovered recently and have never appeared in Wuji Holy Heaven before.

"How is this possible?" Although Gu Fenghua's guess was the most reasonable, Zhu Sifang and Sima Jingnan still found it unbelievable.

All the martial arts, sword skills or strange techniques passed down from Wuji Shengtian to this day have been eliminated from the waste and retained the essence. They have been tempered by generations of powerful predecessors. If you trace back to their roots, they all have a long history of tens of thousands of years.

Although there have been some people who have tried to create their own martial arts and sword skills over the past tens of thousands of years, in the final analysis, they are just improvements on the existing martial arts and sword skills. No one has ever truly created their own martial arts. Sword skills, not to mention such powerful sword skills. How much strength and amazing understanding do you need to have such ability?

"I'm just guessing." Gu Fenghua also knew something about the inheritance of Wuji Shengtian's sword skills. He knew that his guess was too unbelievable, so he didn't argue with them.

Although he said this, Gu Fenghua was very confident in this guess in his heart, and he was also a little curious about Zhong Lingxiu's sword skills.

Just now she was only focused on defeating Zhong Lingxiu in the simplest and most direct way, so she didn't have time to think too much. Now that she recalled the "Chaos Tiankai" sword, she felt it was even more mysterious.

When it comes to the power of sword skills, Zhong Lingxiu's Chaos Tiankai certainly cannot compare with her Eight Swords Guiyuan, but when it comes to the exquisite sword skills, Chaos Tiankai actually has its own unique features, at least those swords. The light contained the yin and yang and the five elements of heaven and earth, which made her eyes light up.

If this kind of kendo can be used together with the Eight Swords Guiyuan, maybe it will have unexpected magical effects. Gu Fenghua thought about it secretly and subconsciously deduced it in his mind.

Unfortunately, she won too quickly just now, and she didn't give Zhong Lingxiu many opportunities to take action. She also didn't have much understanding of her Chaos Opening, so it was difficult to gain anything in a short time.

After trying for a while, Gu Fenghua was ready to give up. At this moment, her heart suddenly shook, and her eyes showed an unconcealable look of surprise.

Deep in the bloodline, the seals quietly broke open at some point, and even the last and most core seal showed tiny cracks.

What's going on?

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