Just refining this wine elixir would probably stump many alchemy masters.

Fortunately, she has a pure spiritual heart, so she doesn't have to worry about medicinal materials. After preparing the medicinal materials, Gu Fenghua made his fingerprints again.

She even had Guqi Dan at her fingertips, so of course such a wine elixir wouldn't be a problem for her. Not long after, several crystal clear wine pills jumped out of the furnace.

Gu Fenghua put the wine pill into the wine vat and saw ripples. In just a blink of an eye, several wine pills melted into the white liquid.

You're done! After sealing the mouth of the jar and placing the wine jar in a corner of the storage space, Gu Fenghua discovered that a thin layer of sweat was forming on his forehead.

No wonder, although brewing Holy Heart Intoxication is different from refining alchemy and is not as difficult as refining the ancient elixir, it is far more complicated than refining the ancient elixir. If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid it would have been Gu Fenghua. It may not be completed in three days and three nights.

Wiping off the sweat, Gu Fenghua opened the door and was surprised to find Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse, Liu Sanjue, Sima Jingnan and others all guarding the door.

"What are you..." Gu Fenghua said strangely.

"President Zhu sent someone here to deliver a message, saying that the Cloud Crossing Flying Boat Formation has been repaired and is ready to go." Sima Jingnan said with a smile, seemingly calm and calm, but there was clearly a hint of respect that could not be concealed in his words and deeds. .

He was originally astonished by Gu Fenghua's cultivation of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint and his combat power that far exceeded his cultivation. After knowing that she had also refined those few Emperor Dao Five Spirit Pills by her own hands, he respected her even more like a god. . But he knew that Gu Fenghua treated him as a friend. If he acted too reserved, he would appear distant, so he tried his best to put on a calm face.

"Thank you, City Lord, for waiting for a long time." Gu Fenghua said apologetically.

It didn't take long to brew the Holy Heart Drunkenness, but it took a lot of time to comprehend Zhong Lingxiu's "Chaos Tiankai". It is estimated that Sima Jingnan has been waiting for a long time.

"Soon, Feng Hua, you've spoken harshly." Sima Jingnan said quickly.

In fact, he had been standing outside the door waiting for more than five hours, not even daring to speak out loud for fear of disturbing Gu Fenghua's practice. But for such a promising young man, let alone waiting for more than five hours, he would not complain even if he waited for five days and five nights - if it had been anyone else, he would not have had this opportunity.

Gu Fenghua saw what Sima Jingnan was thinking, so he took the lead to walk out of the city.

Originally thinking that everyone else had already boarded the Yundu Feizhou and was waiting for him, Gu Fenghua felt regretful and walked much faster than usual. Who would have thought that after leaving the City Lord's Mansion, I realized that I had thought wrong. Like myself, other people were leaving the city in groups, rushing towards the Duyun Feizhou in a hurry. Many of them even fell into their own traps. later.

After being stunned for a moment, she realized what was going on. Zhu Sifang must have sent a message to Sima Jingnan first. After confirming his departure, he released the news to inform others, so that others would not complain because they were waiting for him.

Although it was just a small matter, it could be seen that Zhu Sifang valued him very much. Even though it was clear that such attention was entirely due to his own strength, Gu Fenghua was still somewhat moved.

"Fenghua, how are you doing with your enlightenment?" As he walked, Luo Enen gathered his energy to transmit sounds and said to Gu Fenghua. Fatty Bai, Ye Wuyi, Liu Sanjue and others also turned their heads.

The bloodline seal was accidentally broken, which was probably related to Zhong Lingxiu's "Chaos Opening" or the Holy Heart's Intoxication. Gu Fenghua did not hide this from them, so Gu Fenghua started retreat a few days ago, and they were all looking forward to it.

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