My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4863 4863 Okay, I promise you

Dignity, dignity is shit! I was bullied like that a few days ago, and I didn't even think about you mentioning dignity. Now you think of dignity! If you really care about dignity so much, why didn't you just wipe your neck with a sword and forget it? Hearing Zhong Lingxiu's words, Gu Fenghua really wanted to slap her in the face.

Of course, thinking about it, she would definitely not do that. She was still counting on Zhong Lingxiu's help to completely break the blood seal. What if she was slapped away and never came back?

"You also know that the path of cultivation is dangerous and bumpy. As long as you embark on the path of cultivation, who can avoid some setbacks? A truly strong person must dare to face the dripping blood and dare to face the bleak life. So, if you fight like this Thoughts challenge me, but I won't accept it." Gu Fenghua said righteously.

Well... Dare to face the dripping blood, dare to face the bleak life, this is a good saying, who said it? It seems to be from the storybook brought back by my brothers.

"Well said!" I have to admit that this sentence is indeed impassioned. When Gu Fenghua said it, it seemed even more majestic. In the crowd, strong men from all sects cheered loudly in unison.

"But..." Zhong Lingxiu was also moved by Gu Fenghua again and hesitated.

"No but, you can challenge me if you want, I will always accompany you, but you must take back the oath you just made." Gu Fenghua interrupted her and said firmly.

"Okay, I take back the oath I just made." Deeply moved, Zhong Lingxiu really had no reason to persist, so she nodded vigorously and said. However, he still made up his mind that if he lost today's battle, he would never appear in front of Gu Fenghua again and never be her enemy again.

It's a pity that she couldn't hide this idea from Gu Fenghua.

"Also, if you lose, you will follow me from now on. One day you can take over my three swords, and I will give you your freedom." Immediately, Gu Fenghua continued.

Are you kidding me? Although Zhong Lingxiu retracted her oath, if she walked away after the defeat, she would have lost everything. Gu Fenghua would not make such a stupid mistake.

"Ah!" I didn't expect Gu Fenghua to propose such a condition, and everyone onlookers were stunned. But soon, they came to their senses. Although Zhong Lingxiu retracted her oath on the surface, outsiders didn't know what she was thinking. If she gave up after losing, who could save her.

Gu Fenghua's condition seemed abrupt and even a little unkind, but at the same time, it gave Zhong Lingxiu a reason to never slack off even if she lost, unless she was willing to follow Gu Fenghua forever. With her pride, this was obviously impossible.

Even at this time, she was still thinking about Zhong Lingxiu, how generous she was! A famous sect strongman looked at Gu Fenghua with even more admiration.

"Okay, I promise you." Zhong Lingxiu hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

She also knew that Gu Fenghua proposed such conditions only for his own sake. If you refuse to accept it, you would be too ignorant.

Thinking back on what she had done in the past few days, and comparing it with Gu Fenghua's sudden generosity, Zhong Lingxiu felt ashamed and moved, her eyes filled with tears, and she almost didn't cry in front of everyone.

Behind him, Luo Enen and Fatty Bai curled their lips unconsciously, looking at Zhong Lingxiu with eyes full of sympathy.

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