My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4868 4868 See if she dares to underestimate herself in the future

Luo Enen quickly stepped forward and opened the door. Sure enough, standing outside the door were Zhong Lingxiu, Zhong Lingjun and Fu Qingjiang.

"Sorry, I was only focused on studying the sword skills and forgot about the time, making you wait for a long time." Zhong Lingxiu said to Gu Fenghua with an apologetic look.

Thinking that she would soon have to fight Gu Fenghua, she did not dare to slack off at all. As soon as she arrived in the room, she immediately took the time to continue her meditation. She didn't know if it was because her mind was too agitated, but she felt blessed and realized the profound meaning contained in sword skills. Unknowingly, my mind fell into a state of emptiness.

When she finally understood the profound meaning and exited the sky, she realized that five hours had passed and the flying boat across the clouds had set off.

It was originally promised that Duyun Feizhou would come over as soon as it set off, but it turned out that Gu Fenghua had to wait for five hours in vain, and Zhong Lingxiu felt very sorry.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not idle anyway." Gu Fenghua said nonchalantly, while putting away the alchemy furnace.

"You, what were you doing just now?" Zhong Lingxiu noticed the alchemy furnace in front of Gu Fenghua and asked in surprise.

"Refining alchemy." Gu Fenghua gave Zhong Lingxiu a strange look. Do you even need to ask about such an obvious thing? This Zhong Lingxiu couldn't have ruined her brain just to learn sword skills.

Refining elixirs, do you still have time to make elixirs at this time? Zhong Lingxiu felt very hurt.

She was fully prepared for today's battle and didn't dare to waste any time. However, Gu Fenghua was still in the mood to make elixirs. It was obvious that he didn't take her seriously at all.

"Let's go." Gu Fenghua didn't realize at all that he had accidentally hurt Zhong Lingxiu's fragile heart, and took the lead to walk towards the martial arts field.

"Gu Fenghua, why don't you prepare some preparations? To be honest, I just had a great enlightenment and improved my strength a lot." Zhong Lingxiu couldn't help but remind him.

Her strength has improved by leaps and bounds again, and her self-confidence has reached an all-time high. If she was only 50% sure of defeating Gu Fenghua before, now, she is at least 80% sure. However, Gu Fenghua always thought about her, and she was deeply moved and did not want to win without force.

"No need, as long as you are ready, I have already prepared it." Gu Fenghua said nonchalantly.

She has absolute confidence in her Eight Swords Return to Origin. Besides, she has been practicing this set of sword skills since she was sensible. She has already mastered what she needs to understand. If it only takes a few hours, no matter how hard she studies it, she will not gain much, so there is no need to waste time. .

Although what she said was true, when Zhong Lingxiu heard it, the feeling was completely different: after all, Gu Fenghua didn't take her seriously at all.

Zhong Lingxiu was used to being arrogant. She wouldn't bother talking nonsense to her if it were someone else. She just reminded her a few words out of gratitude to Gu Fenghua and didn't want to win without force. Who would have thought that she would get such a result? Angry, without saying anything more, he followed angrily behind.

He made up his mind that he would let Gu Fenghua see how powerful he was in a while and see if she dared to underestimate him in the future.

The martial arts arena is located in the middle of Duyun Feizhou. It is actually a huge room several feet long and wide. There are defensive formations on all sides, and all the formations are interlocking. Only in this way can everything be ensured.

On weekdays, people would spar with each other in the martial arts arena from time to time. After all, it was a long way to Beiyuan City, so we couldn't just sit in the room practicing all the way. Occasionally, we needed to go out and stretch our muscles.

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