My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4870 4870 Why is she so happy?

"Chaos, the sky opens!" The light and shadow were illusory, dreamlike, and the entire martial arts arena fell into chaos. The sword light thundered, breaking through the chaos, and the sword light containing the Yin Yang and Five Elements of Heaven and Earth poured out towards Gu Fenghua, and there was a faint muffled sound like the earth was shattering.

This is the sound caused by the collision of yin and yang and the mutual stimulation of the five elements. It is also the mystery of the sword that Zhu Lingxiu has just comprehended. Through the collision of yin and yang and the stirring of the five elements, the power of the sword is at least 50% higher than last time.

Before meeting Gu Fenghua, Zhong Lingxiu had always believed that no one below the eighth level of the Emperor Saint could stop her "Chaos Heavenly Opening" sword. But now, she believed that even the eighth level of the Emperor Saint could not stop him. Anyone can block his sword, and Gu Fenghua is no exception.

Her heroic face was filled with unprecedented confidence, and her body also showed an unprecedented high fighting spirit.

"Do you want to leave some room to save some face for Gu Fenghua?" Looking at Gu Fenghua, who looked extremely small and shrouded in the sword light, Zhong Lingxiu suddenly hesitated again.

After all, he still owed Gu Fenghua a huge favor. If he took action and left her unable to fight back, and ended up in a disastrous defeat, it would appear that he was ungrateful and unkind.

While she was hesitating in her heart, she suddenly saw an unconcealable surprise on Gu Fenghua's face!

How is this going? Zhong Lingxiu was baffled as to why she was so happy in this situation.

Of course she wouldn't know that at this time, a mysterious force in Gu Fenghua's blood was quietly awakening. If you look inside carefully, you will see that deep in the bloodline, mysterious seals are intersecting and shining with dazzling light.

It turns out to be her, it turns out to be her! Gu Fenghua was so happy that he almost shouted loudly.

The last time they fought, she didn't notice anything strange. This time, she deliberately concentrated her spiritual thoughts. She soon discovered that when Zhong Lingxiu made a move with his sword, the power hidden in the blood seemed to be affected by the yin and yang. The traction of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth, unexpectedly quietly awakened, and then broke the seal on its own.

Although the speed is not fast, it is many times easier than breaking the seal by herself. You must know that every time she breaks the seal, she must rely on the hand seals taught by her brothers, and she must go all out. The consumption of holy energy and spiritual thoughts is not what ordinary people can imagine, even if she has the innate Holy Spirit root of five spirits. Neither can be restored in time.

Although she had long suspected it, if she hadn't experienced it herself, it would have been hard for her to believe that Zhong Lingxiu's sword skills were really so magical that they could awaken the power hidden in her blood and break the seal on her own.

Enjoying the joy of the seal breaking open on its own, Gu Fenghua reluctantly slashed out with his sword until the streaks of divine sword light came in front of him. She fought against Zhong Lingxiu to break the bloodline seal, not to seek abuse.

Zhong Lingxiu was originally wondering why Gu Fenghua was inexplicably happy, but when she saw that she finally took action, she didn't have time to think too much. She put away her distracting thoughts and injected holy energy and spiritual thoughts into the sword.

"Boom!" Amidst the loud noise, a seemingly boundless force surged forward. Zhong Lingxiu felt her chest stagnate, and she flew out with her sword.

"Bang" Zhong Lingxiu slammed into the wall, and saw countless runes flashing from all directions at the same time. The wall was unharmed, and even the flying boat across the clouds did not shake at all.

The next moment, Zhong Lingxiu was lying on the ground with her arms and legs spread out, looking at the roof covered with runes, her eyes blank.

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