My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4877 4877Isn’t this nonsense again?

"Oh, it's in the back." Gu Fenghua glanced behind him and strode out of the door, revealing Zhong Lingxiu who was blocked by her.

"Ah!" Zhu Sifang exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Zhong Lingjun was too small, and his sight was blocked by the fat Zhu Sifang. He jumped twice and didn't see anyone, so he squeezed past him, and then he also let out a cry: "Ah …”

Is the person in front of me with disheveled hair, a bruised nose, and a swollen face, and several big bumps on his forehead really the sister who is known as the peerless prodigy of Wuji Shengtian? Zhong Lingjun was a little skeptical. Don't talk about him, even if his parents come, they will probably be just as suspicious.

"Are you...Miss Zhong?" Zhu Sifang couldn't even recognize his biological brother, let alone an outsider. Zhu Sifang looked at Zhong Lingxiu's miserable face, and then looked at her body, which was wrinkled like pickles and with marks on her chest. He asked tentatively with a few big footprints on his holy robe.

"Nonsense, who else could I be?" Zhong Lingxiu said angrily.

It’s really Zhong Lingxiu. The corners of Zhu Sifang's mouth twitched fiercely.

Even if his family background is put aside, this is a strong man of the seventh rank of Emperor Saint, and he was beaten like this. Tragic, really miserable!

"Sister, you, why are you like this? Hearing that familiar voice, Zhong Lingjun also twitched the corner of his mouth and said with concern and anxiety.

Zhong Lingxiu rolled her eyelids up and gave Zhong Lingjun a hard roll of her eyes - oh no, her eyes were bloodshot, they should be red eyes.

Isn’t this nonsense again? Why is it like this? Do you think I want to be like this? It's obvious that I was beaten by others. You can't even tell that I was beaten?

Thinking of this, there was a bit of sadness in her dissatisfied eyes.

She thought that her strength had greatly increased and she was at least 80% sure of winning against Gu Fenghua. Who knew that as soon as she took action, she felt the huge gap between the two again. With one sword, still just one sword, she was defeated miserably. All self-confidence and all pride were wiped out in an instant. Soon, she clearly realized that with such an improvement, she was no match for Gu Fenghua.

If you are not your opponent, then I won’t come and fight. Is that okay? Sorry, no!

If she doesn't take action, Gu Fenghua will. After personally experiencing the heart-piercing pain, feeling helpless and filled with grief and anger, she finally chose to fight back, and then...and then it became like this.

In fact, in the process of fighting back, she thought about giving up more than once, thinking about ending it like this and dying in the hands of Gu Fenghua. It's a pity that Gu Fenghua never gave her a chance to settle the matter, but only made her life worse than death.

It's miserable, it's really miserable. Not to mention Zhu Sifang, even she herself was extremely miserable and inhumane.

Seeing the sadness in Zhong Lingxiu's eyes, Luo Enen and Fatty Bai were full of sympathy. Such a result was generally expected by them. From the moment Zhong Lingxiu was tricked by Gu Fenghua into crossing the Yunfei boat, they knew that a tragedy was quietly unfolding...

"Are you ready for the holy elixir I asked you to prepare?" Luo Enen said to Zhong Lingjun in a low voice.

Zhong Lingjun's face suddenly turned red, and he just wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into. I thought that in this fight, my sister would be able to win a decisive victory and avenge her previous humiliation, and at the same time give Gu Fenghua a lesson. He couldn't help but get angry again just now. He was just afraid of being beaten, so he showed up in front of Luo Enen and the others. Just restrained. Who knew that looking at my sister like this, her ending would be even worse than last time.

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