My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4891 4891 That is the real bully

"Why?" Gu Fenghua also looked at Zhong Lingxiu strangely.

She thought that she finally gave up and Zhong Lingxiu should be overjoyed and even cry with joy. But she actually asked why and looked unwilling. What was going on? Do you have masochistic tendencies and are addicted to being beaten?

"Tomorrow, I will challenge you again." Zhong Lingxiu said simply and directly without explaining.

The eyes in those eyes, one green and one red, swollen like goldfish, were so determined and persistent.

In just a moment, she made up her mind. No matter what, she would never let go of this great opportunity to improve her strength. Otherwise, she would never be able to raise her head in front of Gu Fenghua, and she would never be able to wash away the shame she had brought to herself. and pain.

"Okay, I accept your challenge." Gu Fenghua stared at Zhong Lingxiu for a long time, suddenly smiled and nodded.

After thinking about it, she could more or less guess what Zhong Lingxiu was thinking. After being bullied for so many days, I finally found a chance to take revenge and rekindled my fighting spirit, but the other party suddenly couldn't say it anymore. If it were me, I would be just as disappointed.

Forget it, I've bullied others for so many days, and I don't care how many more days it lasts. If you just stop like this and don't even give others a chance for revenge, then that's the real bullying.

When he made this decision, even Gu Fenghua was deeply moved by his outstanding performance and his considerateness. This is also thanks to the tireless teachings of my grandfather. Without this, how could I have such integrity. While feeling good about himself, Gu Fenghua couldn't help but feel grateful to his grandfather.

Fortunately, Gu Tianci, who was far away in Tianji Continent, didn't know what Gu Fenghua was thinking at this time, otherwise he wouldn't be able to withstand such stimulation at his age.

Hearing that Gu Fenghua accepted her challenge, Zhong Lingxiu's colorful face looked as if it had just been hit by a meteor, and she could not conceal her joy.

You are really a masochist, you will be happy this way. Gu Fenghua secretly cursed.

"Okay, okay, as the saying goes, the edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from ancient times. This brother has been defeated and defeated repeatedly. His determination is really admirable and admirable!" At this time, Zhu Sifang strode forward, speaking with admiration and emotion on his face.

"What are you doing here again?" Gu Fenghua and others frowned at the same time.

Ever since they left Yunjin City and returned to Duyun Feizhou, Zhu Tongguang had completely disappeared as if he had disappeared from the world. They originally thought they had forgotten him, but when he appeared on the stage, several of them couldn't help but shed chicken skin all over their bodies. pimple.

Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai clenched their fists in unison, secretly feeling fierce in their hearts: If this guy dares to come out and disgust people, they will never show mercy, even if it offends Zhu Sifang, they will not hesitate.

After all, he was a strong man of the sixth level of Emperor Saint. Even if he hadn't taken action yet, the air around him suddenly became cold and oppressive as soon as he thought about it.

"Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, I'm not here for you this time." Zhu Tongguang noticed something was wrong and quickly explained.

"My Excellency, Zhu Tongguang, I wonder what I call this brother?" After saying that, he quickly turned to Zhong Lingxiu and said.

Poor Zhu Tongguang has been under strict supervision by his uncle these days. Not only does he not dare to step out of the room, he even dares not ask about Zhong Lingxiu's origins. Up to now, he still hasn't figured out whether she is a boy or a girl.

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