My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4893 4893 is a bit dumbfounding

"Wait a minute, aren't you going to buy me a drink?" Zhong Lingxiu said suddenly.

"Next time, next time." Zhu Tongguang waved his hand and said, he likes men. Men, why do you drink with a woman?

"Didn't you say that you have encountered a bottleneck in your cultivation and you want to ask me for advice?" Zhong Lingxiu continued.

"No, I'm kind enough to understand. I'll find a way myself." Zhu Tongguang said, he didn't have that much time to waste on a woman.

"Hmph, you were the one who said you wanted to buy me a drink, and you were the one who said you wanted to ask me for advice. Now you're pushing back. Are you kidding me?" Zhong Lingxiu's tone suddenly turned cold.

"Miss Zhong misunderstood, I just suddenly remembered that there is something important..." Hearing her unkind tone, Zhu Tongguang panicked and suddenly woke up. This was a strong man of the seventh level of Emperor Saint. If he annoyed her, he would not be as good as himself. Eat, so he quickly explained.

However, before he finished speaking, Zhong Lingxiu stretched out his arm, grabbed him by the neck and threw him into the martial arts arena. Soon, a muffled crackling sound and screaming screams were heard.

"You don't know how to live or die, and you actually dare to treat me as a man. It doesn't matter if you treat me as a man. You even think about men's ideas. You are a dead-end, a dead-end, a dead rabbit..." There was a faint sound in the crack of the door that was not closed tightly. Zhong Lingxiu's hysterical roar was heard.

And as she roared, Zhu Tongguang's screams became even more shrill.

Outside the door, Gu Fenghua and others looked at each other, a bit dumbfounded.

We had already made up our minds. If Zhu Tongguang dared to come out and be disgusting again, even if he offended Zhu Sifang, he would have to give him a lesson and make him give up completely.

Who would have known that this guy would be so quick to fall in love with someone else and actually have an idea for Zhong Lingxiu? Could it be that Duanxiu is so philanthropic that he can change his heart just as he says?

There is actually nothing wrong with pursuing Zhong Lingxiu's idea. A gentle lady is so jealous. Even if this lady is not actually that graceful, everyone has their own preferences for carrots and vegetables. It is not a fault either. But the problem is that he is targeting Zhong Lingxiu. It's really disgusting to think that you are a man and make decisions.

As women, let alone Zhong Lingxiu, even Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen found it absolutely intolerable.

After half an hour, the screams gradually stopped. The door opened again, and Zhong Lingxiu strode out.

Although she had not yet had time to take the holy healing elixir, Zhong Lingxiu was still bruised and swollen at this time, but she was obviously in high spirits and refreshed, and her eyes were filled with joy.

"Sister, are you okay?" Zhong Lingjun asked worriedly.

Ever since he was a child, he had never seen his sister so angry. He felt a little strange and inexplicably afraid.

"What can happen to me?" Zhong Lingxiu asked inexplicably.

"It's okay as long as it's okay, it's okay as long as it's okay." Zhong Lingjun said.

"Let's go." It was obvious that Zhong Lingxiu was in a very good mood, so she walked towards the room with her head held high without any further questions.

Zhong Lingxiu and Fu Qingjiang followed behind, but subconsciously kept a distance of three steps, completely losing the closeness they had before.

"Why are you so far away from me?" Zhong Lingxiu's six senses are so sharp. After only taking a few steps, she noticed something strange about the two of them, turned her head and asked strangely.

"Oh." The two of them quickly followed, but they were still obviously timid.

"What's going on?" Zhong Lingxiu couldn't see the difference between the two of them, and asked with a frown.

"Sister, you weren't like this before, are you really okay?" Zhong Lingjun said cautiously.

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