My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4935 4935 If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes

Therefore, Zhong Lingxiu has practiced the art of weapon refining since she was a child. She even started to practice the art of weapon refining on the first day when she practiced the art of formation. Although the Zhong family is famous for its formation skills, everyone who knows Zhong Lingxiu knows that her weapon refining skills are by no means weaker than the formation skills, and she is worthy of the title of master of weaponry.

The reason why Zhong Lingxiu is known as a genius and a prodigy, and her qualifications are praised even by her master, has a lot to do with her skill in refining weapons.

But at this moment, when she saw Gu Fenghua's weapon refining skills, she realized what the gap was. She believed that even if she tried her best without any distractions, she would never be able to create so many formations in such a short period of time. This is the gap, the gap between master and grandmaster!

What genius, what wizard? To Zhong Lingxiu at this time, it was simply a joke.

The last bit of self-confidence was completely destroyed. Zhong Lingxiu was in a state of despair. She felt weak all over and her mind went blank.

Zhu Sifang and others were seriously injured after fighting hard, and their holy energy was on the verge of exhaustion, and they were unable to take action. Zhong Lingxiu was in a daze again, and the Qiongqi ferocious beast had no control at all and rushed out with a roar.

"Be careful!" Zhu Sifang was the first to react, shouting loudly as he raised his sword and slashed towards Qiongqi.

The others woke up from a dream and quickly followed suit.

However, those sword lights that were slashed out were so powerless and dim. Obviously, with their current situation, they couldn't stop Qiongqi at all.

"One sword, cut off the great wilderness!"

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy Soul, Tianpo!" Fortunately, at the same time they took action, Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, and Ye Wuse also took action.

With the formation plate refined by Gu Fenghua himself, Liu Sanjue could hold the Yunhe Tiangang Formation unbreakable by himself, and the four of them no longer had any worries.

Four sword beams flew out and merged into one in mid-air, pouring down like a river hanging from the sky.

"Ninth Grade Emperor Saint!" An array mage muttered to himself in disbelief.

After all, he is a strong man of the fourth rank of Emperor Saint and an elder of the Holy Sect. Although his strength is much inferior to that of Gu Fenghua and Zhong Lingxiu, his eyesight is not bad. It is not difficult to see the power of Gu Fenghua and others' joint sword!

Zhong Lingxiu's sword that exceeded the limit just now was said to be worthy of reaching the ninth level of the Emperor's Saint. However, since the word "can be" is used, of course there is still some gap between it and the real ninth level of the Emperor's Saint. And Gu The power of Fenghua and Luo Enen's joint sword is a genuine ninth-grade Emperor Saint!

How is it possible for a seventh-grade Emperor Saint and three sixth-grade Emperor Saints to unleash a sword of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint? Although the combined attack technique can improve combat power, don't forget that the higher the cultivation level and the stronger the spiritual consciousness, the greater the gap between each person's understanding of the great road of heaven and earth, and the more difficult it is to use the combined attack technique to communicate with one's mind. , how did they do it? Not only was the formation master in disbelief, but several others also looked surprised and confused.

"It's not just the ninth rank of Emperor Saint, but the pinnacle of the ninth rank." Zhu Sifang said in a deep voice.

His cultivation level is higher and his eyesight is better, so it can be seen that the power of this sword is stronger than those formation masters knew.

"What!" The already fluctuating moods of several formation masters were stirred up by Zhu Sifang's words.

Ninth Grade Emperor Saint, the pinnacle! It is said that this is the cultivation level of the Eighteen Envoys of the Wuji Holy Heaven, and it is also their limit. The power of the swords of the four of them, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, actually reached the limit of the envoys.

Zhong Lingxiu was also shocked. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that Gu Fenghua and the others could be so tyrannical with their swords.

Fortunately, it was Gu Fenghua who fought against him outside Yunjin City last time, and not the four of them joining forces. Although it seemed very spineless to think so, Zhong Lingxiu could not help but feel lucky for herself.

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