Qiongqi's figure struggled to break out of the crack again, and his already vicious face became even more ferocious. It seemed that as the fear was awakened, the innate ferocity that was also hidden deep in his blood was also completely revealed. wake.

Seeing this, Zhu Sifang and others couldn't help but worry: Can Gu Fenghua's sword defeat Qiongqi and completely suppress him?

Luo Enen and others looked relaxed. No one understands Gu Fenghua better than they do, and no one understands the horror of Gu Fenghua's cleansing sword better than they do. If even this can't suppress Qiongqi, I'm afraid no one in the world can do it.

Gu Fenghua circulated his skills and continuously injected holy energy into the divine sword. Under the instinctive uneasiness, Qiongqi, who struggled to break out of the crack, did not immediately launch an offensive. Instead, he stayed at the edge of the crack and continued to accumulate the power of the demon spirit. His spear-like hair stood straight up and crystal light flowed. , is also filled with the power of demon spirits.

The sound of swords, the roar of dragons, and the roar of beasts shook the sky. Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

"Roar!" Finally, Qiongqi opened his mouth, and the accumulated demon power erupted like a volcano, and the demon power all over his body suddenly exploded.

"One sword, cut off the great wilderness!" At the same time, Gu Fenghua also slashed out with one sword.

Instead of the shocking thunderous sound of the stone breaking apart, Qiongqi's solid demonic power was actually split from it by this sword. It was as easy as splitting a piece of tofu, almost in the blink of an eye, the divine light lingered The sword's edge had already struck Qiongqi's head.

Then... there was nothing more. Qiongqi's figure swayed and fell into the crack, as if he had fallen into an abyss.

The echoing roars of beasts gradually disappeared, and the melodious chants of swords also gradually disappeared, and there was actually silence in the secret room. Except for Luo Enen and others who had known the result for a long time, everyone else was stunned and their minds went blank.

That's it. Isn't it too simple?

Gu Fenghua's sword strike was so fast and so easy that Qiongqi had already disappeared before they could react.

How powerful is this sword? Ninth Grade Emperor Saint? The pinnacle of the ninth grade?

No! The power of this sword definitely exceeds the peak of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, that is to say, it exceeds the cultivation limit of the eighteen emperors of the Wuji Holy Heaven.

And then, what state should it be? The tenth grade Emperor Saint? Or another completely new realm - the realm of the Holy King?

No one knows what level of cultivation the three sage monarchs have reached. They only know that the cultivation level of the sage monarchs is superior to any of the envoys. Gu Fenghua's sword was obviously the same.

Although they had already felt the power of Gu Fenghua's sword, at this moment, Zhu Sifang and others were still deeply shocked by it.

At such an age, she can wield a sword as powerful as the Holy Lord. Then in the future, she will be superior to the Holy Lord!

Even Gu Fenghua himself was shocked by the power of this divine sword. Although this is not the first time that the Divine Sword has been unsheathed, it has been unsheathed every time in the past. Even when she opened the bloodline seal and released the power of the bloodline in Star Observation City, it was because the power of the bloodline was not enough. He also lacked psychological preparation and failed to exert the true power of the divine sword.

Speaking of which, this was the first time she had consciously pulled out the sword on her own, and her hard work these days had not been in vain. With Zhong Lingxiu's "help", she finally accumulated enough blood power to unleash the true power of the divine sword. The power!

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