My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4954 4954 No wonder they call you a scammer

"In other words, we only need to refine the weapon spirit?" The wonderful illusion was broken, and Luo Enen was not disappointed, but said with excitement. In comparison, what she was more concerned about was of course the cloud-crossing flying boat they worked together to refine. This was the first time she had personally (participated in) refining an artifact.

"Not bad." Gu Fenghua said affirmatively.

There were no omissions in the entire refining process, and all the formations were flawless, but it just couldn't be started. There could be no other reason than the lack of weapon spirit.

"Then do it quickly. What are you waiting for? Do it, do it, refine the weapon spirit!" Luo Enen danced excitedly.

No one agreed, and Gu Fenghua didn't take action. Everyone looked at Miss Luo, who was obviously overly excited, with strange eyes.

"What's wrong?" Luo Enen yelled for a while. Not only did no one respond, but they all looked at him strangely, so he asked inexplicably.

"What should I use to practice, should I use you?" Gu Fenghua said angrily.

"Uh... do we still need monsters?" Luo Enen finally realized and said with a sly smile.

To refine the weapon spirit, you need to use the soul of a demon beast or a demon plant. Because demon plants are too rare, the soul of a demon beast is usually used. But unfortunately, they are not weapon refiners. Even if Gu Fenghua has the skill to be called a master, the most important thing is his cultivation. Who would deliberately look for a demon soul to bring with him.

She was so excited that she forgot about it. Not to mention in Wuji Holy Heaven, even in Tianji Continent, this is common sense, okay? After all, a strong man of the sixth level of Emperor Saint has actually forgotten this common sense. Fortunately, there are no outsiders present, otherwise it would be enough. Shame.

Wait, no! Luo Enen was secretly embarrassed when he suddenly thought of something and looked at Gu Fenghua sharply, his eyes full of excitement.

I'm so excited, I don't know why I'm so excited? This time, it was Gu Fenghua's turn to be confused.

"No, Master, no." Before Gu Fenghua could ask, a shadow flashed in front of him, and a dragon-like monster appeared in front of him. It opened its mouth and let out a howl of ghosts and wolves.

Ghost dragon! Gu Fenghua knew what Luo Enen was excited about. It turned out that there was a ghost dragon imprisoned in the Eight Wilderness Demonic Map.

Last time, in order to refine the last phoenix power, she forced Gui Jiao to make a soul-sacrifice contract. After it was completed, Gui Jiao's vitality was seriously injured and she threw him directly back to the Bahuang Demon Map. As time went by, Gu Fenghua I had forgotten about it, but to my surprise, Lorne remembered it clearly.

Of course, Gui Jiao himself also remembered it clearly.

When Liu Sanjue mentioned the weapon spirit before, it had already had a vague premonition of something bad, and quietly observed the movements outside through the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map - setting up the soul sacrifice spirit weapon, although life and death depended on Gu Fenghua's thoughts, But it's not without benefits. At least the Eight Wastelands Suppressing Demon Map has much less restraint on it. Even the storage bracelet can't block its spiritual thoughts.

Originally, he had some illusions, hoping that Gu Fenghua would forget its existence. Unfortunately, Gu Fenghua forgot, but others did not. When he "saw" Miss Luo's excited eyes, he knew that he could not escape.

"No, Master, no." While wailing, Gui Jiao really hated Luo Enen in his heart: No wonder they call you a cheater, how come you weren't cheated to death? I haven’t been tricked to death by others, but now I’m trying to trick myself to death!

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