"Hey, aren't you going back yet?" Gu Fenghua turned around and looked back. He saw Zhong Lingxiu and Fu Qingjiang at the back of the team, so he stopped and waited for Zhong Lingxiu to come forward, and asked strangely.

After being coaxed onto the pirate ship by herself, Zhong Lingxiu probably regretted it so much that she hit the wall. She thought she would run away as soon as she got off the pirate ship, but she didn't expect that she would dare to follow him.

"I have nothing to do when I go back. I haven't been to Beiyuan City yet, so I just want to follow you to see the excitement." Zhong Lingxiu didn't squint her eyes, her expression was unusually calm, but if you look carefully, you will find that her eyes are dimly glowing. Blue, the corners of his eyes were also bloodshot.

There is no doubt that those are Miss Gu's masterpiece. Although Gu Fenghua has already begun to understand the principles of Yin Yang and Five Elements, and can break the blood seal on his own, it is not as easy as using Zhong Lingxiu's "Chaos Tiankai" sword. Therefore, while refining the Yundu Feizhou, he still knows how to From time to time, I took the time to have friendly discussions with her.

At the beginning, Zhong Lingxiu would ask her for the Jade Dew Emperor Qing Dan after each sparring session. But later, she didn’t know whether it was a waste or because she felt that it was meaningless to cover up, so she simply broke the jar and even got the Jade Dew Emperor Qing Dan. I'm too lazy to do it, so I just come and go with the dark circles under my eyes.

After seeing it more, everyone gradually got used to it, and even felt that Zhong Lingxiu looked a little more fragile out of thin air, and finally had a bit of femininity, which was quite good.

"Watching the fun?" Gu Fenghua glanced at her inexplicably.

You just want to watch the excitement, why are you following them all the time? Could it be that this guy has been abused too much, has a psychological problem, experienced fun that ordinary people can't experience, and then really turned into a masochist? Gu Fenghua suddenly felt a little worried.

"Yes, just watching the fun." Zhong Lingxiu didn't know what Gu Fenghua was thinking, but she still looked straight at him, nodded affirmatively, and her expression remained calm.

"Yes, yes, Beiyuan City is its own entity. The customs and customs are very different from other places. It's a pity not to see the bustle even if you come here." A pig's head poked out from behind Zhong Lingxiu, and she said with joy. Zhu Tongguang! If you don't listen to the sound, you really can't tell who this pig head is.

Even after being beaten like this, he was actually happy...

Looking at the beaming pig head, Gu Fenghua knew that he was wrong. Master Zhu was the real masochist.

It seems that the method Luo Enen taught Zhong Lingxiu is quite effective. With Mr. Zhu as a punching bag, there is no need to worry about Zhong Lingxiu's psychological problems. Looking at Zhong Lingxiu who looked calm and composed, and then looking at Zhu Tongguang who was beaten like a pig's head, Gu Fenghua was thoughtful and relieved.

Without further words, Gu Fenghua walked forward quickly.

"Sister, why don't we go back?" At the end of the team, Zhong Lingjun gathered his energy to transmit sound and said to Zhong Lingxiu cautiously.

Others didn't know how much suffering their sister had suffered at the hands of Gu Fenghua, but he, as the younger brother, knew it all too well. He thought that his sister would be able to escape from Gu Fenghua's clutches immediately after flying across the clouds, but he didn't expect that she wouldn't. Now that Ken is gone, I don’t know what her plans are.

Could it be that she still wants revenge? Thinking of this, Zhong Lingjun's feet began to feel weak again.

"Don't worry, let's take another look." Zhong Lingxiu shook her head and said.

"What are you looking at?" Zhong Lingjun asked subconsciously.

Zhong Lingxiu didn't answer, but just stared at Gu Fenghua's delicate and slightly fragile back for a long time.

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