My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4965 4965 It’s a coincidence

As he spoke, the two groups behind him had already roared past, leaving behind a deep smell of blood.

"It's strange. I remember that Beiyuan City was in chaos before, but it didn't turn into chaos like this." An elder from the Holy Sect said strangely. He hadn't been to Beiyuan City for several years, but the Beiyuan City in his memory shouldn't be in such a mess.

"Yes, as the saying goes, there is nothing without rules. Although Beiyuan City is regarded as a chaotic place by outsiders, it actually has its own rules. How could it be possible to allow the people to behave like this? If you really want to be like this, you will chop me and I will chop you all day long. If you cut it off, all the people in the city would have died long ago." Zhu Sifang also looked puzzled.

"You sirs don't know. Just over two months ago, the Hanyun Sect's disciples discovered an ancient ruins in the far north ice field. The sect leader Luo Yuancheng personally led a group of strong men from his sect to hunt for treasures. As a result, the entire army was wiped out. , including four elders, ten deacons, three major ministers and six major guest ministers, all died cleanly. Only Luo Yuancheng was seriously injured and escaped back. However, on the night he returned to Beiyuan City, he died of his injuries.

The Hanyun Sect had no leader and was in chaos. Unexpectedly, the sect leader's body was still cold, and the remaining two deacons fought against each other in order to compete for the position of the sect leader. In the end, both sides were injured in the fight. The Hanyun Sect, which has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, It fell apart overnight.

It was a coincidence that just a few days after the leader of the Hanyun Sect, Luo Yuancheng, died of serious injuries, the leader of the Xuangang Sect, Jiang Mingyuan, also died at the end of his life span. As a result, Beiyuan City was completely in chaos. " said a chamber of commerce deacon who came to greet Zhu Sifang.

"So that's it." After listening to his words, Zhu Sifang and several elders of the Holy Sect thought for a moment and suddenly realized.

They suddenly understood, but Gu Fenghua and others were confused. They had never even heard of Hanyun Sect or Xuangang Sect, and naturally they had no idea how much the chaos in Beiyuan City was related to the demise of Hanyun Sect and the death of Xuangang Sect leader.

"I told you just now that Beiyuan City has always been in the hands of several major forces in the city. The outside Holy Sect, even the envoys, and even the Holy Lord cannot interfere. And these major forces mainly refer to the Hanyun Sect and Xuangang The three major sects, the Sun Sect and the Setting Sun Sect, and other weak sects or families are all dependent on these three major sects.

For tens of thousands of years, these three major sects have stood side by side. On the one hand, they fight openly and secretly, and on the other hand, they join forces to fight against foreign enemies, maintaining a delicate balance between them. Although Beiyuan City is a bit chaotic, with the constraints of these three major sects, it will not be too chaotic.

But now that the Hanyun Sect is destroyed, the balance of the three pillars will naturally be broken. If Jiang Mingyuan, the leader of the Xuangang Sect, is not dead, maybe the Xuangang Sect can still check each other with the Canyang Sect, and Beiyuan City can return to normal after a few days of chaos. However, Jiang Mingyuan died at the end of his life again at this time. The Xuangang Sect is probably in a mess now, so how can he find a way to contain the Setting Sun Sect? It would be strange if Beiyuan City was not in chaos. "Seeing the doubts of Gu Fenghua and others, Zhu Sifang explained without waiting for them to ask questions.

"Then let Beiyuan City continue to be in chaos like this?" Gu Fenghua frowned and asked.

Coming from a prime minister's family, she naturally understood what Zhu Sifang said as soon as she heard it. In fact, there are many countries in Tianji Continent, and the vertical and horizontal alliances between them are the same. But she still felt a little pitiful when she saw the ordinary people lying on the ground screaming.

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