My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4971 4971 This is someone else’s territory

"It's you, it's you!" Just when Zhu Sifang, Zhong Lingxiu and others were either anxious or confused, Wen Longyuan's long-suppressed hatred had erupted like a volcano, and he pointed at Gu Fenghua and said through gritted teeth.

"Master Wen, please don't get so angry. Elder Teng taught me sword skills in the past. Although he didn't have the title of master and disciple, he had the grace to teach me. Today I will definitely avenge Elder Teng!" Qu Dangyuan also said indignantly. .

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of Zhu Sifang and others sank suddenly. Teng Hongtu taught Qu Dangyuan sword skills, how come they had never heard of it? Obviously, Qu Dang was determined to help Zhan Xin Sect and take action against Gu Fenghua. This was just a pretext.

"President Zhu, elders, Gu Fenghua killed my mentor. Today I must avenge his death. Please do it for your convenience and don't interfere in this matter." Qu Dangyuan said to Zhu Sifang and others.

Although he did not take these elders of the Holy Sect seriously, the overall situation in Beiyuan City was still uncertain, and he did not want to make enemies everywhere. As for the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, he did not want to be enemies with them. Fortunately, he has already found a reason to take action. I believe that if Zhu Sifang and others had any sense, they would not get involved in this muddy water.

"Please forgive me, Sect Master Qu. We will never stand by and watch what happened today!" To Qu Dangyuan's surprise, after hearing his words, Zhu Sifang, Yu Tianxing and others said in unison without hesitation.

"President Zhu, are you not giving me Qu Dangyuan face?" Qu Danyuan's face suddenly darkened.

Zhu Sifang and others did not speak, they just held down the hilts of their swords. This is their answer.

If Qu Danyuan had to deal with someone else, they might have really hesitated, but if it was Gu Fenghua, they made the choice without even thinking about it.

The kindness of a drop of water is repaid by the spring of spring, let alone the kindness of saving a life?

"Okay, okay, since you won't give me Qu Dangyuan face, then don't blame me for being merciless." Qu Dangyuan laughed angrily, but his smile was unusually cold.

"President, and all seniors, today's matter has nothing to do with you, you can go." At this moment, Gu Fenghua suddenly said to Zhu Sifang and others.

Zhu Sifang and several Shengzong elders were startled, and Zhu Lingxiu was also stunned.

Gu Fenghua asked them to leave, obviously because he didn't want to implicate them, which of course they could think of. But they still owed Gu Fenghua's life-saving grace. Even if they risked their lives for her, it would be a matter of course, right?

It's a time like this. No matter who he is, he will definitely give priority to his own life. How can he have time to consider whether it will harm others. Is this Gu Fenghua a little too pedantic?

No, no! How could she have forgotten how she deceived herself onto the pirate ship a few days ago, and how she forced herself to make a war agreement and stamp her fingerprints time and time again. How can someone who is so despicable, cunning, cunning, vicious, and has no bottom line at all be pedantic?

Zhu Lingxiu suddenly realized that she really couldn't understand Gu Fenghua.

"Sect Master Qu, Teng Hongtu did die in my hands. It has nothing to do with anyone else. If you want revenge, just come at me." Before they could understand, Gu Fenghua said to Qu Dangyuan again.

"You are so courageous at such a young age. I underestimate you. Don't worry, I just want to avenge Elder Teng and will not involve anyone else..." Qu Dangyuan nodded and said.

Looking at this situation, Gu Fenghua probably knew that there was no hope of survival, so he didn't want to burden others. He originally didn't want to cause trouble, but this result was the best.

Just as he was thinking this, Qu Dangyuan suddenly felt the figure in front of him flicker, and a delicate figure flew towards him. At the same time, a long sword wrapped in silk cloth also fell from the air.

The one who took action was of course Gu Fenghua. Since this battle is unavoidable, she is determined to end things with Zhan Xin Sect. Of course, she will not wait foolishly for the other party to be ready before taking action. Don’t forget, this is someone else’s territory.

If you don't understand this principle, strike first to gain advantage, strike later and suffer disaster. If she didn't understand this principle, she wouldn't be alive today.

What a speed! Qu Dangyuan did not expect that Gu Fenghua would take action suddenly, and he was slightly startled, and pressed his fingers fiercely on the hilt of the sword.

At the same time, three other figures came towards him, and three sword lights slashed out at the same time.

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