My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4975 4975 Of course it’s too late

No one thought that Wen Longyuan actually owned a Nine-Heaven Holy Armor. It is no wonder that the Zhanxin Sect has made enemies everywhere over the years. It has offended many sects, but it can always remain standing. With this Nine-Heaven Holy Armor, plus With his own cultivation level of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint, Wen Longyuan would be invincible even if he faced a Saint Master of the eighth-grade or even ninth-grade Emperor Saint.

But fortunately, the sword that Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, and Ye Wuse used together was not just as simple as the ninth level of Emperor Saint, but the pinnacle of the ninth level.

Although one of Qu Danyuan and Wen Longyuan could borrow the power of the formation, and the other was protected by the Nine Heavens Holy Armor, when they finally stabilized their bodies, they still retreated several feet away.

Wiping away the blood from the corners of their mouths, both of them looked horrified. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that a seventh-grade Emperor Saint plus three third-grade Emperor Saints could join forces to execute a sword comparable to the peak of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint.

There was no time to think too much, and the two of them took out the holy elixir as quickly as possible.

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!"

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy Soul, Heaven Breaks!" But before they could take the Holy Pill, Gu Fenghua and others' cheers rang out again.

While you are sick, I will kill you! From Tianji Continent all the way to Wuji Holy Heaven, they had gone through so many life and death experiences, how could they possibly give Qu Wen a chance to breathe?

In fact, when the last sword was slashed, they were already chasing after him like a shadow.

Others would be surprised by the power of the formation on Qu Dangyuan and the Nine Heavens Holy Armor on Wen Longyuan, but Gu Fenghua was not surprised at all.

Luo Enen is right. No matter how you look at it horizontally or vertically, Beiyuan City is a cornucopia of wealth. Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many sects have taken advantage of Beiyuan City. The Setting Sun Sect and the other two major sects have controlled Beiyuan City for so many years, how could they not have any ability to control the situation? Although this method of borrowing the power of formations is a bit strange, Gu Fenghua has long been accustomed to the fact that the Zhong family can also arrange formations directly on Zhong Lingjun's body.

As for Wen Longyuan, if Zhan Xin Sect couldn't even come up with a few decent sect-suppressing treasures, they would have been destroyed countless times with their domineering and ruthless behavior.

Seeing the flashing formation light patterns on Qu Dangyuan's body and the Nine Heavens Holy Armor on Wen Longyuan's body, Gu Fenghua was not surprised at all, but instead became more determined to eliminate the two of them quickly. She knew that if she couldn't kill these two people today, there would be endless troubles.

The four sword lights condensed into one again and slashed towards Qu and Wen. The sky was filled with wind and clouds, and the space seemed to be torn apart by this sword.

"Kill them! Kill them!" Qu Dangyuan didn't even have a chance to take the holy elixir, so he could only retreat and shout loudly. His voice trembled slightly, and there was no hint of the toughness he had before.

This was the sword power at the peak of the Ninth Grade Emperor Saint. Even if he borrowed the power of the city defense formation, he could not completely block it.

If I had known they were so powerful, I should have opened the city defense formation from the beginning, ugh. You underestimated the enemy, you still underestimated the enemy! Qu Dangyuan felt regretful. But regretting it now is of course too late.

The only thing he could hope for was that his disciples could hold off Gu Fenghua and others, giving him enough time to fully activate the city defense formation, instead of just borrowing the power of the formation.

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