My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4977 The gap between 4977 and Gu Fenghua

You must know that they were surrounded by disciples of the Setting Sun Sect and the Zhanxin Sect before, and they were attacked from both sides. Once they took action, they would not even have a chance to escape, let alone resist, the sword power of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint. Even if Zhong Lingxiu also has the cultivation level of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint, it is absolutely impossible to protect everyone.

Presumably, Gu Fenghua had already seen some clues from the position where the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect were standing, so he was determined not to let them interfere.

Yu Tianxing and other elders of the Holy Sect also reacted. When they saw the sword rays slashed out by the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect, they felt a layer of cold sweat on their backs.

Zhong Lingxiu's expression was a little complicated. After recalling it, when the Can Yang Sect disciples were surrounding them just now, the position they were standing in did coincide with the formation. With her eyesight, she should have been able to see it, but she didn't realize it at the time.

Is this the gap between himself and Gu Fenghua?

"What should we do now?" Zhu Lingjun probably didn't understand the mystery of this city protection formation, so he asked with a confused look on his face.

No one answered his question. Everyone drew their swords at the same time and rushed towards the group of disciples of the Setting Sun Sect and the Zhanxin Sect in front.

"Stop them!" Noticing their actions, a gray-haired disciple of the Setting Sun Sect shouted loudly.

More than ten disciples of the Setting Sun Sect suddenly turned around and slashed at Zhu Sifang and others with their swords.

The talismans under their feet flickered, and the sword energy surged like waves. These dozen disciples, whose cultivation level was no more than the second and third grades of the Emperor Saint, and the highest level was only the fourth grade of the Emperor Saint, unexpectedly slashed out a sword with the power of the seventh grade Emperor Saint.

The strongest Zhu Sifang and Yu Tianxing were only at the fifth level of Emperor Saint. How could they withstand such a sword? The loud noise caused them to retreat continuously. Fortunately, there was also a strong man of the seventh level of Emperor Saint among them. At the critical moment, Zhu Lingxiu's "Chaos Tiankai" sword slashed out, and then he understood the power of the opponent's sword.

Zhu Sifang and others steadied themselves and looked forward, again with surprised expressions on their faces.

Zhu Lingxiu's "Chaos Heaven Opening" sword implies the Yin Yang Five Elements of Heaven and Earth. Its real power has reached the eighth level of Emperor Saint. If it is used at a super level, it will even be comparable to the ninth level of Emperor Saint. How can the seventh level Emperor Saint be able to compete with it? of. However, under this sword, the dozen or so disciples of the Setting Sun Sect in front only took a few steps back. Apart from their faces turning pale, they did not suffer much damage.

City protection formation, city protection formation again! Seeing the flashing formation runes at the opponent's feet, Zhu Sifang and others immediately realized what was going on: with the help of this city-protecting formation, the combined swords of the Disciples of the Setting Sun Sect were as powerful as those of Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others. Together they can attack and defend like a sword.

Just as they were taking action, several sword beams comparable to those of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint that had been slashed out by the other disciples of the Setting Sun Sect in front also fell behind Gu Fenghua and the others, mixed with the sword beams slashed by the strong men of the Zhan Xin Sect. Sword light. Although they do not have the same combined sword skills as the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect, they are not weak in strength. The strongest one has even reached the sixth level of Emperor Saint. The power of the sword cannot be underestimated.

"Not good!" Zhu Sifang and others felt their hearts sinking.

Gu Fenghua and others were able to gain the upper hand only because the four of them joined forces. Now that they were attacked from both sides, how could they distract themselves from the attacks from behind? Although the power of their combined sword has reached the peak of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, their real cultivation level is only the seventh-grade and sixth-grade Emperor Saint. If they only rely on the holy energy shield, it is impossible to block these attacks that are comparable to the seventh-grade Emperor Saint. Powerful sword light.

"Buzz!" At this moment, an ancient-looking alchemy furnace appeared out of thin air, with runes all over its body flashing, and its size grew in the wind. In just the blink of an eye, it grew into a hill, completely covering the figures of Gu Fenghua and others. .

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