My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4986 4986 He has had a hard time these past few years.

Next to them, Ye Wuse and Luo Enen were just about to cry with joy, but after hearing these words, tears welled up in their eyes, but they could no longer fall.

"Hurry up, why are you still hanging around?" Fang Tianyou urged.

"Oh." The fat man looked dull and took out half of the roast chicken and handed it over.

"Hey, this is Fenghua's craftsmanship." Fang Tianyou sniffed, and there was a "big bang" in his throat. Then he snatched the roast chicken from his hand with lightning speed and stuffed it into his mouth. inside.

"Crack, click, click!" In just a moment, the half of the roast chicken went into Fang Tianyou's stomach, not even the bones or dregs were left.

God, how on earth did he get here these past few years and be so hungry? As a result, the hearts of Fatty Bai and others softened.

"Is there any more?" Fang Tianyou licked his tongue and asked with unfinished meaning. His eyes glowed green when he looked at Fatty Bai.

Gu Fenghua had an intuition that at this moment, if the fat white man was smeared with oil and salt and sprinkled with a layer of cumin, he would be able to swallow it alive.

"Don't worry, I'll bake it for you myself later. You can eat as much as you want." Gu Fenghua said sympathetically.

Although I don't know what Fang Tianyou has been through, it is obvious that he has had a hard time in the past few years. She even wondered if this guy hadn't seen any meat in a few years.

"What are you waiting for? Let's roast it now. Yes, right now, I want to eat roast chicken, roast rabbit, roast duck, roast goose, roast pig, and roast lamb." Fang Tianyou's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to say. The sound of swallowing became louder.

"Now?" Gu Fenghua glanced at Qu Dangyuan opposite him.

As the thousands of golden swords and defensive barriers exploded at the same time, Qu Dangyuan and Wen Longyuan were once again knocked back several feet away. Their faces were pale, and their chests were stained with blood. They were obviously seriously injured. However, when Fang Tianyou appeared, dozens of disciples from the Setting Sun Sect arrived in time to protect them.

Emperor Sage 6th and 7th grade! Compared with the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect who tried to besiege them before, these people were obviously much stronger, and the strongest ones actually reached the sixth and seventh levels of the Emperor Saint.

In normal times, Gu Fenghua and the others would not have to worry when facing such an opponent with their concentrated swords. However, now that their holy energy has been severely damaged, Gu Fenghua even burned the power of the holy source. Even if the five innate Holy Spirit roots merge into one, it will be difficult to recover for a while, and the situation will obviously be completely different.

At this time, Qu Dangyuan was protected behind him by a group of powerful men from the Setting Sun Sect, and he was looking at Fang Tianyou with blazing eyes.

I thought that by activating the city defense formation, I could put Gu Fenghua and others to death and avenge the ninth elder of the Setting Sun Sect and his only son, but who knew that Lu Changsheng ruined the important matter and failed at the last moment.

Qu Dangyuan knew that Lu Changsheng was cautious and cautious, and would never dare to take action against him unless forced. Seeing the helpless smile on his face at this time, it was easy to guess that the reason why he took action must be related to this young man.

Even if I don't talk about important things, I still have thoughts about roast chicken, roast rabbit, roast duck, roast goose, roast pig and roast lamb. What does he think he is, a dead person? (It was also difficult for him, as he actually remembered the barbecue menu that Fang Tianyou reported word for word.)

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