If such an answer fell into the ears of ordinary saint masters, they would probably just sneer at it, but Zhong Lingxiu, Luo Enen and others did not find it funny at all, and their expressions became unusually solemn.

Zhong Lingxiu, who is also a seventh-level genius of the Emperor Saint, certainly knows that the Saint Master's intuition is not a whim, but comes from the keen six senses. Therefore, the stronger your cultivation level, the more sensitive and effective your intuition about danger will be.

Needless to say, Luo Enen and others need not say more. Back then, Gu Fenghua was only in the realm of Dharma Saint, so her intuition of danger was extremely keen, not to mention that now her cultivation level has reached the seventh level of Emperor Saint.

However, with their current strength, they should be able to protect themselves even if they face the emperor's envoy. How could Gu Fenghua have such dangerous intuition?

"Actually, if you don't admit Teng Hongtu's death, Zhan Xin Sect may not be able to provide real evidence. There is no need to be so impulsive." Zhong Lingxiu put aside this question for the time being and expressed another doubt from before.

In her opinion, although Qu Dangyuan was determined to help the Zhan Xin Sect, he did not have any concerns about the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce and the Holy Sect behind Yu Tianxing and others. If Wen Longyuan could not provide real evidence, Gu Fenghua would If he had denied it, things might not have come to this point.

"This is not impulsive. There is nothing I can do. Since the Zhan Xin Sect can trace it to me, it can naturally be traced to the Yunchuan Sect." Gu Fenghua shook his head and said.

"Yunchuan Sect?" Zhong Lingxiu tilted his head, obviously he had never heard of the name of Yunchuan Sect.

"For a middle-grade sect, although Teng Hongtu died in Fenghua's hands, the incident happened because of the Yunchuan Sect." Luo Enen explained helpfully.

Because it was related to the secret of Yunchuan Holy Fruit, she couldn't say too much, but this was enough.

"Are you afraid that the Yunchuan Sect will be implicated, so you decided to take action?" Although Zhong Lingxiu has never heard of the name of the Yunchuan Sect, she can still imagine the consequences of a middle-grade sect being related to Teng Hongtu's death. Hearing Luo Enen's words, he suddenly understood.

"Not bad." Gu Fenghua nodded.

Zhong Lingxiu looked at Gu Fenghua's calm expression, and her eyes became complicated again.

She has always believed that the path of cultivation is dangerous and bumpy. If you don't have good qualifications but insist on embarking on the path of cultivation, you will deserve to die. Of course, the same principle applies to the sect. If it doesn't have that strength, it will be destroyed if it is destroyed. Isn't this a matter of course?

With Gu Fenghua's talent and strength, he actually cares so much about the life and death of a middle-grade sect. Is this necessary?

"Yunchuan Sect, I have friends." Gu Fenghua seemed to see her doubts and explained with a smile. While talking, he thought of Lu Linfeng's face that was still a bit childish but full of stubbornness, and his smile became extraordinarily gentle.

friend! Something seemed to be touched in Zhong Lingxiu's heart, and she fell into deep thought.

Lu Changsheng in front paused slightly and turned to look at Gu Fenghua. He seemed a little moved, but soon, he turned his head again.

Although the Setting Sun Sect temporarily retreated because Qu Dangyuan was seriously injured and fell to the ground, there was no way this matter could just go unnoticed like this. He was so worried that he had no extra time to think about other things.

"Fenghua, what are you talking about?" Fang Tianyou was confused and asked blankly.

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