My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4993 4993 What a bullshit noble person

He didn't know whether the other party beat him casually for several hours. In short, when he woke up again, there was almost no intact part of his body, and he couldn't even move his fingers.

After lying in bed for three full days, he finally regained some strength. With trembling fingers, he took out the healing elixir that Gu Fenghua personally refined from the storage bracelet - God bless him, because his strength is too low. Because of this, the other party didn't even bother to search him, otherwise he would probably have to lie like this, motionless, until he died.

After taking the holy elixir, he lay down for another three days before he got up and left the ruined sect with a staggering pace. Until this moment, he didn't even know the name of this sect, why it was destroyed, and by whose hands it was destroyed.

All he knew was that, to him, this was an unforeseen disaster. But no matter what, he still saved his life in the end. As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later. Young Master Fang is still full of hope for his own path to becoming a strong man.

Little did he know at that time that his tragic life had just begun.

A month after leaving that sect, his injuries finally healed, and at the same time, he also received the blessing he was looking forward to - he met a noble man. The noble man told him that his sect was recruiting disciples, and that he had extraordinary bones and excellent aptitudes. He could be called a once-in-a-million-year cultivation wizard. If he was willing to join their sect, he would not only become a core disciple, but also gain the title of sect master. As a direct descendant of the lord, if nothing unexpected happens, sooner or later he will inherit the mantle of the lord of the sect and sit on the position of the sect leader.

At that moment, Young Master Fang almost cried with joy. Without thinking, he followed the noble man towards a better tomorrow. A few days later, he arrived at a majestic mountain filled with spiritual energy and surrounded by fairy clouds. Two cold iron chains were put on his hands and feet, and he was locked in a small dark room.

At the beginning, he thought this was the unique entrance examination of the Wuji Shengtian Sect. After all, the sages had long said: When heaven sends a great man to this person, he must first suffer his will, starve his body and work hard. His muscles and bones are starved of his skin, his body is depleted, and his behavior is disturbed by his actions. Therefore, his mind and forbearance are moved to gain what he cannot...

In order to one day inherit the mantle of the sect leader and ascend to the position of sect leader, what does it matter if you close a small black room or something like that.

But soon, he knew that he was wrong. The majestic and majestic mountain filled with spiritual energy and surrounded by fairy clouds in his eyes was actually a spiritual stone mine, and what he had to do next was to mine.

So, he has his will to suffer, his body and skin to be hungry, his muscles and bones to work and his body to be depleted, etc., but he can improve what he cannot do... He doesn't know whether he has gained anything or what he cannot do, he only knows Every day that passes, there will be bloody whip marks on the body.

What kind of bullshit noble person you are, you are obviously a liar!

With great sorrow and indignation, Young Master Fang Da started his career as a black miner. He was whipped day after day while mining, and gradually became numb and desperate.

He thought that he would spend his whole life in the dark mine, and eventually turn into a pile of bones, accompanied by the cold spiritual stone. Who knew that at this moment, God would open his eyes.

The two sects fought over the spirit stone mine, until the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dim.

Frightened, Young Master Fang was frightened again. He pursed his lips tightly, shivered involuntarily, curled up into a ball with his hands on his head, and desperately chanted the four-character mantra: Can't see, I can't see, I can't see, I can't see, I can't see. I can’t see, I can’t see…

Facts have proved that these four-word mantras are also deceptive.

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