My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5007 5007 Can’t you give me a little face?

Zhong Lingxiu nodded secretly. Although this precious brother was not very lively, he still had the air of a child from an aristocratic family, and his performance at this time was not disappointing.

Unfortunately, before she could feel relieved, Zhong Lingjun spoke again.

"However, if Senior Sister Gu really wants to thank you, then I can help roast two more yahoos." Zhong Lingjun changed the subject and said to Gu Fenghua with a flattering look on his face.

Seeing the flattering smile on his face, Zhong Lingxiu's face darkened and she really wanted to kick him out. Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, if you can't be more reserved, the Zhong family will be embarrassed by you.

"Then roast four. How about two for each of you siblings?" Gu Fenghua said.

"Okay!" Zhong Lingxiu was obviously still angry with her precious brother, but when she heard this sentence, she blurted out the word "good" subconsciously.

As soon as the words came out, Zhong Lingjun was stunned, and Zhong Lingxiu herself was also stunned.

What about being reserved? What about being reserved as promised? Zhong Lingxiu was so ashamed that she lowered her head and started looking for a hole in the ground again.

Only then did she realize that she had wrongly blamed her brother. Faced with Gu Fenghua's barbecue skills, not to mention this precious brother, even she herself couldn't be restrained.

However, after being beaten so badly by Gu Fenghua, what else is there to be reserved about? Thinking like this to comfort herself, Zhong Lingxiu felt calm again.

While eating barbecue, they chatted about the customs, customs and anecdotes of the Lingji Realm. Everyone was enjoying themselves, just like close friends who had known each other for many years.

"Where are they? Who is Fang Tianyou? Who is Fang Tianyou?" As they were chatting, they heard a panicked roar coming from outside the door, and then a little old man stumbled into the yard.

Gu Fenghua and others turned around and saw that the old man's hair was covered with silver threads like snow, and he looked a bit like a fairy. However, his face and body were covered with mud, and there were a few dry grasses in his hair. He looked extremely embarrassed.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Changsheng and several elders and deacons of the Xuan Gang Sect rushed into the courtyard, looking at the old man with extremely embarrassed expressions.

"Old Lu, who is this old man?" Fang Tianyou looked at the little old man, then at Lu Changsheng, and asked inexplicably.

It’s Lao Lu again, it’s Lao Lu again! In front of so many elders and deacons, can't you give me a little face? The veins on Lu Changsheng's forehead began to throb again.

"Young Sect Master, this is our Xuangang Sect's supreme elder, Master Zhan Shibozhan." Lu Changsheng resisted the urge to get angry and introduced to Fang Tianyou.

"Oh, it turns out it's Lao Zhan, sit down." Fang Tianyou pointed to the stone pier in the courtyard and said to Zhan Shibai.

Old...Old Zhan...the Supreme Elder looked startled, and soon, the veins on his forehead began to beat.

Remember, the last time someone called him Lao Zhan was hundreds of years ago. At that time, several elders of his generation were still alive, and sometimes they would call him Lao Zhan. However, since the death of those elders, From now on, even the sect leader would not dare to be so rude to him. This little kid in front of me actually dares to call him Lao Zhan!

Although he is the Supreme Elder, according to the rules, Zhan Shibai should be willing to bow to Fang Tianyou when he sees him. After all, the sect master is not here, so the young sect master is the head of the sect. However, now that Fang Tianyou said "Old James", the veins on his forehead were pulsing. It would be nice if he didn't get angry. How could he still be in the mood and "meaningful".

"You got into trouble, you got into big trouble, you got into big trouble, do you know that?" The little old man pointed at Fang Tianyou's nose and shouted sadly.

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