My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5013 5013 She was really envious at this moment

However, if you want to use such a sword, you must draw the long sword. Hasn't she thought about the consequences? Although Zhong Lingxiu didn't know what would happen if she pulled out the long sword, she was also a seventh-grade Emperor Saint, but she knew how terrifying that uneasy intuition was.

In fact, she had had similar intuitions in past experiences. And every time this intuition appeared, it was accompanied by a test of life and death. If the master had not personally rescued her, she would not have been able to pass such tests again and again, and she would have died countless times.

Of course, Gu Fenghua himself knew everything she knew. Clearly, she was ready to give it a go at all costs.

Seeing the shock on the faces of everyone in the Xuan Gang Sect, Zhong Lingxiu couldn't help but think of the Yunchuan Sect that she had never heard of, let alone seen. Suddenly I remembered what she said: "Yunchuan Sect has my friends."

Friends? Zhong Lingxiu's heart felt an unprecedented warmth, as if something was quietly melting. Looking behind Gu Fenghua, the determined faces of Luo Enen and others felt a little envious.

As a genius saint master that the Zhong family encounters only once in tens of thousands of years, and as the most valued disciple of Saint Lord Lingji, she has always been envied by others. She has never been envious of others. She doesn't even know what envy feels like. , but at this moment, she was really envious, envious that they had friends like Gu Fenghua, and envied that they could become Gu Fenghua's friends.

Zhong Lingxiu wanted to keep up with their pace, but hesitantly could not take that step. They are friends, but am I one of them?

"Wait a minute, what do you want to do?" Just when Zhong Lingxiu was hesitant, Zhan Shibo suddenly asked.

"Senior Zhan, today's disaster is all caused by us. Don't worry, we will shoulder the responsibility and will not implicate the Xuan Gang Sect." Gu Fenghua repeated what he just said.

"Do you think that without you, the Setting Sun Sect would have let our Xuangang Sect go? They didn't take action a few days ago, they just didn't know about the disappearance of our sect-protecting spirit beast. If they dare to come here with great force today, they must have received it. information.

Therefore, no matter whether you have come to Beiyuan City or not, and whether you have killed Qu Hongan or not, they will never miss this opportunity. In the final analysis, today's disaster has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to take it upon yourself. James said with a bitter smile.

Hearing what he said, Gu Fenghua and others were surprised again.

I was originally worried that Zhan Shibo would be angry with others and blame them for today's disaster, but I didn't expect that although the little old man was a little timid and panicked when things happened, he could see things clearly. It seems that his ability to sit in the position of supreme elder is not entirely dependent on his longevity.

"That being said, the thing is still..." Gu Fenghua continued.

"Okay, okay, don't say anything and leave quickly. If you really feel guilty, just give us a helping hand in the future when our Xuangang Sect retrieves the guardian spirit beast and returns to Beiyuan City. " Before she could finish her words, James Bowie waved his hand and said resolutely.

"I said, have you all forgotten about me? I am also the Young Sect Master, right? Why don't you ask my opinion on such a big matter?" At this time, Fang Tianyou suddenly said.

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