My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 502: 502 Such a Miraculous Scene

Ye Yunji raised his head, but only saw the lush branches, not a ray of sunlight coming in. Could it be that these dome-high trees are all demonic plants with their minds?

Ye Yunji was taken aback by his guess. If this is the case, it is not surprising that it is called the Forest of Rebirth.

However, the strange thing is...

If these trees are all demon plants, why didn't they attack them who invaded their territory? Why are you still making way for them?

Because, little yellow chicken?

Ye Yunji looked down at the little yellow chicken in his arms in astonishment.

However, when he was in a daze, the little yellow chicken didn't know where the strength came from, and jumped onto the ground impatiently, and ran forward staggeringly.

But the little yellow chicken, who was still unable to stand still, almost fell down after running a few steps.

It was said that he almost fell, but it was because a branch suddenly protruded from the side and firmly supported the little yellow chicken that was about to fall.

Ye Yunji was completely stunned by the scene in front of him.

Little yellow chicken, what kind of monster is it?

What exactly is going on?

The little yellow chicken in front staggered forward again.

Ye Yunji suddenly felt a force behind him pushing his back.

He looked back and saw a branch waving behind him, the same branch that had pushed him just now.

What is this for?

The surrounding branches all swayed suddenly, and then stretched out in unison, pointing at the little yellow chicken that was staggering forward. The meaning expressed is very obvious, hurry up and hug her! Don't let her fall again!

Then the branch behind him gave him another push, urging him.

Ye Yunji hurried forward a few steps and scooped up the little yellow chicken on the ground.

Then, the trees in front stepped aside one after another, revealing a path, and the surrounding leaves were shaking slightly, as if urging them to move forward quickly.

Ye Yunji couldn't help being amazed by such a miraculous scene.

After Ye Yunji and Gu Fenghua walked over, the trees on both sides closed together again, as if the road just now had never appeared before.

"Hey!" Gu Fenghua looked ahead and urged. She could feel that her breath of life was slowly passing away, and if this continued, she would really die. But she never showed it, for fear that Ye Yunji would be worried.

However, today she suddenly felt a voice calling her in this place, and this voice made her feel warm and friendly.

She has an intuition that here, she can be saved.

Ye Yunji hugged Gu Fenghua and walked straight forward. He didn't know how long he walked and how many trees he passed. Finally, the front opened up.

What came into view was a lake, and there was a small island in the middle of the lake. On the small island, there was a tall, ancient tree with luxuriant branches.

On the top of the big tree, there is sunshine, shining silver on the lake, as if countless gems are shining at the bottom of the water. The leaves of the big tree are green and almost dripping water, like pieces of beautiful jade.

Ye Yunji stood by the small lake, looking at the big tree on the island in the middle of the lake, feeling surprised. From that tree, he felt a strong breath of life.

"Hey!" Gu Fenghua stretched out his small wings and pointed at the big tree on the island in the middle of the lake.

This is to let him pass? Ye Yunji guessed.

However, before Ye Yunji sent Gu Fenghua there, the big tree on Huxin Island had already moved.

Countless branches stretched out slowly, reaching in front of Ye Yunji, then carefully and gently embraced Gu Fenghua.

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