My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5033 5033 The depression of two naughty children

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Juju does not have decent combat effectiveness. If the magical power that charms people's hearts loses its power, Obsidian alone may not be able to control this two-winged spin turtle.

Gu Fenghua's worries were indeed justified.

The little bear cub stopped immediately as soon as it missed the hit. The two bears' eyes were rolling and their ears were raised high. In just two breaths, the cub tilted its body slightly to one side and was hit with another fierce punch. Down.

Amidst the loud "boom" sound, the two-winged spin turtle once again appeared in silhouette, obviously being hit hard on the back by Obsidian's punch.

As expected of the ancient snake and spinner turtle, this pair of winged spinner turtles is so cunning. Seeing this scene, everyone secretly sighed.

Just after being knocked away by Obsidian's punch, everyone thought that the two-winged spin turtle would temporarily avoid the sharp edge and hide far away. Unexpectedly, it sneaked back to Obsidian silently. Fortunately, the iron-eating beast is a prehistoric beast comparable to a mythical beast, and its six senses are sharper than a hybrid monster like the double-winged spin turtle, otherwise it might really be attacked by it.

However, while sighing with emotion, everyone couldn't help but feel a little regretful: this iron-eating beast had obviously not grown up yet, and although it was also born with divine power, it was obviously unable to break through the sturdy defense of the two-winged spinner turtle.

And just when Obsidian hit the two-winged spin turtle with a punch, the little fox also appeared in front of it with tacit understanding. Several graceful fox tails swayed and swayed, and the ruby-like eyes revealed a charming look. light.

Unfortunately, this time, the two-winged spinner turtle was already on guard. He just raised his head and glanced at it with seeming contempt, disdain, and disgust, then turned his head away, and disappeared again.

Such a result is obviously not satisfactory, and the two naughty children are equally dissatisfied.


"Zhizhi!" The two children roared unwillingly and rushed out again...

In the courtyard, streaks of dust were rolled up. Relying on the powerful six senses of the ancient beast, Hei Yao and Ju Ju found the hiding place of the two-winged spin turtle again and again. Loud noises were heard, but at the same time, there was also Hei Yao's frustrated roar.

Although it accurately hit the two-winged spinner turtle time and time again, with its strength at the time, it was unable to break through the powerful defense of the double-winged spinner turtle, let alone cause decent damage to it. The so-called dog bites the turtle and has no place to bite, which is probably what it feels at this time.

The little fox's charm skills were completely useless. He could only scream loudly, wave his little claws, and scratch, scratch, and poke at the back of the two-winged spin turtle. However, even Obsidian's natural divine power could not break it. If you open that thick turtle shell, what effect can its attack do?

It was obviously not an option to continue like this. Gu Fenghua and others held the swords again, preparing to take action as soon as Obsidian discovered the traces of the two-winged spin turtle.

It's a pity that the wisdom of high-level monsters is not limited to words. The two-winged spin turtle easily saw through their intentions and gave them no chance at all. Every time Obsidian discovers its whereabouts, it immediately flaps its delicate little wings and flees away, while hiding its figure again.

Even with the innate six senses of Obsidian and the strange beasts that inhabit the ancient wilderness, they cannot always lock it, and they are even more powerless in the face of its speed that originated from the ancient snake.

As a result, dust and smoke billowed in the yard, and the two-winged spinner turtle played hide and seek around the stone statues and Gu Fenghua and others.

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