"Well, next time, I'll listen to it sing next time." After Gu Fenghua finished speaking, he reluctantly sent Bianjian back to the demon pet space, and at the same time, he kept Hei Yao in his arms with a tired look on his face and refused to get up. He Juju also sent it back.

Although I really want to spend more time with a few demon pets, as they continue to grow, the aura of Wuji Shengtian is becoming more and more insufficient for them. In comparison, the aura of the demon pet space is still more abundant. , if you don’t want them to die prematurely, it’s better to stay in the demon pet space.

Listen to it next time? The eyelids of Luo Enen and others suddenly jumped a few times, and an idea suddenly occurred in their hearts that they should never have, and made them feel deeply ashamed, guilty and remorseful: Maybe, let the little bitch sleep like this forever. , is also a good result.

"Feng Hua, thank you very much for today. If it weren't for you, the young sect master would probably never be able to contract with the sect-protecting spirit beast, and our Xuan Gang Sect would have to give up this great foundation." At this time, Lu Changsheng and others finally came out of that dangerous situation. After regaining his breath after singing, he stepped forward and bowed to Gu Fenghua to thank him.

"Elder Lu is separated. Tianyou is my best friend." Gu Fenghua said.

"That's right, that's right, my business is Fenghua's business, you don't have to be so divided." Fang Tianyou didn't follow Gu Fenghua at all, he waved his hand and said carelessly.

However, Gu Fenghua quite likes his personality. In fact, every friend around him has the same personality, being frank and without any scheming. Especially Luo Enen, who can even talk about eating and waiting to die openly and without any shame.

Poor Lorne, she was innocently shot again.

"Sir, here we come, here we come!" At this time, a Xuangang Sect disciple rushed into the courtyard with a face full of anxiety, almost rolling and crawling.

"The Setting Sun Sect is here?" Lu Changsheng asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, Great Elder, the Setting Sun Sect is here. It's only one street away from our Xuangang Sect, and they're going to kill you soon!" The disciple was so frightened that there was a cry in his voice.

"Hmph, I want to see what kind of tricks Qu Dangyuan has to dare to bully my Xuangang Sect." Witnessing Fang Tianyou contracting the sect-protecting spirit beast with his own eyes, Zhan Shibai was determined and would never use it again. "Pills, pills," he said with an angry look on his face.

"Let's go, let them see the strength of my Xuan Gang Sect today." Fang Tianyou was also as arrogant as Jian Jian.

In fact, he and Xiao Jianhua originally had many similarities, such as: being a bitch!

Of course, at this time, Fang Tianyou was just like the little cheap girl, he had some sins... Oh no, it was arrogance.

Almost forced to flee Beiyuan City by the Setting Sun Sect, the elders and deacons of the Xuangang Sect were really holding back their breaths. They only waited for Fang Tianyou to give the order before they walked out with murderous intent.

Outside Xuangang Sect, across the straight avenue, thousands of strong men from the Setting Sun Sect and Zhanxin Sect were approaching quickly, and they were equally murderous.

If nothing unexpected happens, today is the day when the Xuangang Sect will be destroyed. From then on, Beiyuan City will be the world of the Setting Sun Sect, and all the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect will be fighting high.

"Sir, Master, we will be arriving at Xuangang Sect soon. Is your injury okay?" However, in front of the crowd, the second elder of the Setting Sun Sect looked at the sickly red color on Qu Dangyuan's face and was secretly worried.

"Don't worry, Xuan Gang Sect is like a toothless tiger without the sect-protecting spirit beast. As long as I am still breathing, I will definitely kill them all today. If they are smart, they may be able to escape from Beiyuan City as soon as possible. I can survive for a few days." Qu Danyuan said with a cold snort.

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