My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5057 5057 Dragon Wags its Tail

Although the power of their combined sword has reached the peak of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, their own strength is only the sixth-grade and seventh-grade Emperor Saint. Gu Feng knew very well that with such a sword, they would have no problem bullying saint masters below the ninth level of the Emperor's Saint, but if they were to face a real strong man of the ninth level of the Emperor's Saint, or monsters of the same strength, their chances of winning would be slim. If you are not careful, your life may be in danger.

Luo Enen and the others had a clear understanding of each other, and they flew back at the same time without her having to say anything.

Almost at the same time as they retreated, the cloud-swallowing dragon python twisted around, opened its mouth and spurted out a mouthful of demonic power.

It seems that there is nothing unusual about this attack method. Many monsters - including the two-winged spin turtle, the protector spirit beast of Xuan Gang Sect, can also do this move. But the difference is that with the mouth of the cloud-devouring dragon python, The power of the demon spirit spurted out, and the demeanor around them dropped suddenly, like the coming of winter.

The power of the demon spirit condenses into substance, spreading like clouds and fog, and wherever it passes, the space seems to be condensed.

Swallow the clouds and smoke! The unique innate magical power of the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python clan uses the power of demon spirits to form a barrier of clouds and mist. No matter whether it is a human holy master or other demonic beasts, it is difficult to escape from the confinement. It is said that the name of the Cloud Swallowing Dragon Python comes from this innate magical power.

The power of the demon spirit spread very quickly. In just the blink of an eye, it reached a foot in front of several people, and there was even more clouds and mist within a few feet of the surrounding area. Fortunately, Gu Fenghua and the others saw the opportunity and retreated faster. No matter how dispersed the clouds were, they could not be restrained.

After a few breaths, Gu Fenghua and the others retreated ten feet away, and the clouds and mist in front of them became thinner.

"What a risk. Fortunately, I didn't try too hard this time." Gu Fenghua and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing this powerful monster that is equivalent to the peak of the ninth level of the human Saint Master and Emperor Saint, even when they are at their peak, they may not be able to fight, not to mention that their holy energy is greatly damaged in the pursuit of Qu Dangyuan. Fortunately, they reacted in time and retreated quickly enough to escape the danger.

"Huh..." Just when a few people were secretly rejoicing, the wind suddenly started blowing, and in the faint clouds in front of them, a black shadow suddenly appeared and swept towards them.

From such a close distance, several people could clearly see that the black shadow was a huge python tail. It turns out that the clouds and mist condensed by the power of the demonic spirit, the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python, can not only form a shackle, but can also be used to hide one's body. Although it is not as completely silent as when the double-winged spin turtle hides its figure, it is still hard to detect.

Gu Fenghua and others had never heard of the innate magical power of the Cloud Swallowing Dragon Python, and they were completely caught off guard by it.

If it were anyone else, it would be difficult to react at this time, and they would have to wait for death. But fortunately, Gu Fenghua and the others are none other than others. After experiencing life and death again and again, and escaping from death again and again, their adaptability is beyond comparison with ordinary people.

At this critical moment, there was no trace of panic or fear on the faces of these people, and their expressions were even calmer than usual.

Five long swords were slashed out at the same time, with perfect timing.

What's even more amazing is that the five sword lights, almost at the same time as they came out of the sheath, condensed and slashed towards the huge python tail of the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python.

It’s a long story, but actually it all happened in a flash.

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