My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5059 5059 Pretending behavior at critical moments

"Let's go!" Gui Yezi turned around and shouted again when he didn't hear Gu Fenghua and others leaving.

"If you want to go, let's go together. If you want to stay, let's stay together." Gu Fenghua said firmly, holding up his long sword.

She could see that the Demonic Wood Cauldron was so damaged that it was on the verge of breaking. The most it could do was block a blow from the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python. After this blow, the Demonic Wood Cauldron would be destroyed. Gui Yezi will certainly die.

Even if she risked her life, she couldn't just watch Gui Yezi die.

"Yes, you go first." Then, Gu Fenghua said to Luo Enen and others.

"If you want to go, let's go together; if you want to stay, let's stay together!" Luo Enen and others shook their heads and said in unison. His expression was as determined as Gu Fenghua's.

Gu Fenghua would rather risk his life than see Gui Yezi die. Likewise, they would risk their lives for Gu Fenghua.

There was silence behind them. Looking at the young, upright and determined figures, the eyes of Lu Changsheng and others became moist.

Is this a friend? Zhong Lingxiu muttered silently to herself, but her heart was ups and downs, and she couldn't calm down no matter what.

"You all go, I just need to stay." Fang Tianyou said suddenly.

"You?" Gu Fenghua looked at Fang Tianyou with surprise in his eyes.

The reason why she was willing to risk her life for Gui Yezi was very simple. Gui Yezi had saved her life more than once, and her Xuantian Weapon Technique was originally taught by Gui Yezi. The two were both teachers and friends, and sometimes she would even treat Gui Yezi as her grandfather. If Gui Yezi died to save herself, she would never be able to forgive herself in her life.

But as for Fang Tianyou, he didn't have such a deep friendship with Gui Yezi, so there was no need to risk his life for him.

"Senior Gui Yezi also saved my life. I will never let him put himself in danger. You go!" Fang Tianyou said impassionedly.

"But..." Gu Fenghua didn't know what was wrong with this guy, but he didn't want to see him die for an unprovoked mistake, so he immediately started to persuade him.

"No buts. What happened today was originally a life and death battle between our Xuan Gang Sect and the Can Yang Sect. As the young sect master, how could I back down and let outsiders die for me? You go, leave right now!" Before he could care, After Fenghua finished speaking, Fang Tianyou said righteously.

Behind him, Lu Changsheng and others looked pleased and respectful. At the same time, he also looked ashamed. It turned out that they had all misjudged Fang Tianyou before. The new young sect master was not as arrogant and brainless as they thought. His responsibility and courage were enough to shoulder the important responsibilities of the young sect master and even the sect leader!

At this moment, everyone felt deeply ashamed for their previous misunderstandings about him.

No, we must not let the young sect leader die like this! Everyone in the Xuan Gang Sect was filled with enthusiasm. They gripped their swords tightly and rushed forward desperately.

However, only halfway through, they all stopped again. Because as soon as Fang Tianyou finished saying those words, he quickly took out the array disk and skillfully made hand seals one after another.

"..." Beside them, Gu Fenghua and others were stunned at the same time. They wished they could slap themselves on the head, and even more wished they could slap Fang Tianyou on the head.

The situation was so critical that they actually forgot about the city defense formation.

Previously, everyone in the Setting Sun Sect was focused on escaping, so the city defense formation was not of much use. Then the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python suddenly appeared, and Fang Tianyou had no time to activate the formation. But now that the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python was temporarily forced back, he had enough time to activate the formation.

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