My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5077 5077 Everyone’s heart is moved

For their three major sects, the greatest use of the sect-protecting spirit beast is actually to inject the power of demon spirits into the array, thereby opening the city-protecting formation. Only in this way will they not damage life essence. Therefore, even if the strength of the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python reaches the tenth level, which is much stronger than the Xuangang Sect's Double-Winged Spin Turtle, it will not have much advantage in this regard.

"Yes, Lord Sect Master, we can't actually take advantage of the Sect Protector Spirit Beast alone. Your old man's injury is more important. It's better to let them go for the time being. If there is a chance in the future, we can avenge our shame."

"Keep the green hills here so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. Sect Master, please think twice."

"Putting the overall situation first, please think twice, sect leader." Others also mustered up the courage and ordered to persuade.

"Have you forgotten one thing? When the cloud-swallowing dragon python reaches the tenth level peak, it can break through the bloodline restrictions and leap into the wind and clouds of the nine heavens to transform into a dragon!" Qu Dangyuan glanced at them one by one and said coldly. .

"The storm transforms into a dragon!" Everyone in the room widened their eyes in surprise.

According to legend, when the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python reaches its tenth level peak, it does have a great chance of transforming into a dragon and becoming a true dragon. But even if the legend is true, it was tens of thousands of years ago. Since that catastrophe, the spiritual energy of the Wuji Holy Sky has been thin. For tens of thousands of years, how can any monster be able to break through the limitations of blood and become a true dragon? This idea had never even occurred to them.

However, the words of the lord of the sect are definitely not unreasonable. Could it be that he found some way to help the cloud-swallowing dragon transform into a python and successfully transform into a dragon!

Thinking of this, everyone's hearts moved.

Qu Dangyuan did not explain, but strode towards the guest house.

Although his face was still a little pale after being seriously injured, and his steps were shaky and unsteady, his tall figure was more proud and conceited than before.

The second elder and others no longer thought about it, and quickly followed him with excitement and anticipation.

Not far away is the Guest House of the Setting Sun Sect.

A group of Zhanxin Sect strongmen headed by Wen Longyuan sat in the courtyard, sipping the gradually cold tea with deep thoughts, their expressions were extremely tired.

After taking the Holy Healing Pill and practicing some refining pill power, their injuries were actually much better, but their mood was far heavier than their injuries.

I thought that as long as we joined forces with the Can Yang Sect, it would be easy to get rid of Gu Fenghua and take revenge on the great elder. Who knew that Gu Fenghua and others were close friends of life and death with the young master of the Xuangang Sect.

I thought that the last sect leader of Xuan Gang Sect passed away and the guardian spirit beast disappeared inexplicably. Even if they came to help, Gu Fenghua would still be dead. Who knew that they and the Xin Sect and the Can Yang Sect joined forces to kill him, but they were killed? Xuangang Sect was defeated. Looking at this situation, let alone revenge, whether the Setting Sun Sect can be preserved is a question. Where should Zhan Xin Sect go?

"Sir Sect Master, what is going on? How could such a situation arise?" Finally, someone broke the silence.

The person who asked the question was Ke Yuanhua, the fifth leader of the Zhanxin Sect. He led Wen Yunhou and other disciples all the way, and finally arrived at Beiyuan City in the evening. He was originally worried that he would arrive too late and would not be able to see Gu in person. Feng Hua died, but he didn't expect that as soon as he entered the city, he heard the news that the Setting Sun Sect fought against the Xuan Gang Sect and then returned in a disastrous defeat.

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