My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5084 5084 We probably got it wrong

"Hey, there seems to be something wrong with the shape of this divine dragon. It is a little different from what is described in the ancient books." Finally, everyone calmed down. The second elder of the Setting Sun Sect looked at the giant dragon in front of them and said doubtfully.

Others looked carefully and noticed that the two dragon horns of the giant dragon in front of them had fully grown. It looked similar to the ancient dragon described in ancient books, but its body was obviously thicker. It is too small and looks extremely clumsy. It lacks the mysterious grace and elegant wind that the ancient divine dragon should have. The four dragon claws are also two large and two small. They don't look as majestic and holy as the ancient dragon, only ferocious and ferocious.

"No, it's not right." Others also shook their heads and said.

"Could something go wrong?"

"Didn't the transformation succeed?" Someone else said worriedly.

Qu Dangyuan's heart sank slightly, and most of the excitement and joy in his heart disappeared: Could it be that he failed in the end? This was his life's hard work and his life's hope!

At this moment, the weird-looking giant dragon suddenly opened its mouth, looked up to the sky and spit out a mouthful of demonic power, and a cloud of mist filled the air.

Not only does the appearance look wrong, but even the innate magical power has not changed at all! Seeing this, Qu Dangyuan and others' hearts fell to the bottom.

"Kala!" However, just when the power of the demon spirit was about to spread to the roof, there was a sudden thunderbolt, lightning flashed, and the roof made of huge rocks turned into powder.

"Crack, click, click..." The clouds and mist continued to fill, and there was a burst of lightning and thunder all around, and dust was flying in the stone house.

After a while, the breeze blew, and everyone was surprised to find that the entire stone house had disappeared.

"This...this..." Everyone was stunned and speechless.

You must know that the entire Setting Sun Sect is protected by formations. Unless the formations are specifically turned off or the formations are forcibly destroyed, no matter who it is, the strength of the Setting Sun Sect will be greatly reduced. This stone house was built by Qu Dangyuan himself. They could feel it when they entered. It was densely packed with formations and was indestructible. This is normal. With such a complete keel, and a keel with the power of the divine dragon still intact, the entire Wuji Holy Heaven may not be able to find another one. Of course, Qu Dangyuan would not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Ask yourself, even if they join forces, it may not be easy to demolish this stone house. Who would have known that the giant dragon transformed from the Cloud-Swallowing Dragon Python would completely turn it into powder with just one breath of demonic power!

"I think we may have seen it wrong. This should be regarded as a successful transformation." After being stunned for a while, the second elder spoke again.

Although this giant dragon is indeed somewhat different from the legendary ancient dragon, seeing its strength, who would dare to say that it failed to transform.

"Yes, yes, after all, it is the transformation of a strange beast from the ancient times. It is normal for it to be somewhat different from a real dragon." Others also said with joy.

"Even if the transformation is not completed successfully, with such a powerful sect-protecting spirit beast, who in Beiyuan City can be the enemy of our Setting Sun Sect." Someone else said with high spirits.

"Not only in Beiyuan City, but also in the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, I'm afraid we won't be able to find a few people who can be enemies of our Setting Sun Sect, hahahaha!" Some people even laughed out loud with pride.

What they said was exactly what Qu Dangyuan wanted. Perhaps due to the lack of spiritual energy in Wuji Holy Heaven and Earth, the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python was not able to completely transform in the end, but at least it was mostly completed. Like several Lord Saints, it passed the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint with one foot. The limits of heaven and earth.

With such a powerful sect-protecting spirit beast, how many people from Wuji Holy Heaven can compete with their Setting Sun Sect?

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