My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5087 5087 Did you have fun chatting?

"Bitch, don't you know how to speak? Let's hear a few words." Miss Luo said expectantly.

The little cheap flower turned the flower plate and glanced at her arrogantly without making a sound.

"Say a few words and listen." Luo Enen continued to look forward to it.

The flower plate was twisted to the other side, still arrogant.

"Hey, I'm angry if you don't speak. The consequences of my anger are very serious." Luo Enen reached out to pinch the petals and began to threaten with a straight face.

"Get lost!" Such a threat obviously had no effect, so Xiaoqianhua finally spoke. Her voice was very clean and clear, but she spat out the word "get lost" with contempt. The flower plate tilts upward at a 45-degree angle, which is full of provocation.

"You dare to tell me to get lost, believe it or not, I will deal with you!" Finally hearing the voice of the little bitch, Luo Enen did not feel the expected ecstasy, but became furious.

"Climb!" The flower plate twisted again and tilted upward at a 45-degree angle.

"Bitch, I'm angry!" Luo Enen was really a little angry this time.

"Cut!" The flower plate simply turned over and pointed the flower pedicle at Luo Enen. If you look at it from another angle, it is actually facing Miss Luo.

"Damn you bitch, do you really think I dare not deal with you?" Miss Luo felt that she had been provoked, by a little bitch. As a result, Miss Luo was really angry.

"Hmph!" Huapan's little butt continued to face Luo Enen, following the swing of the flower branches, twisting left, right, forward, and right in various twists. The twists were so enchanting.

Well, it’s not that I feel provoked, it’s clearly Chi Guoguo’s provocation!

In anger, Luo Enen grabbed the little cheap flower, turned the flower plate around, and pinched its stamens: You dare to provoke me to the head of this eldest lady, let's see how I deal with you today.

This little flower stamen looks the most soft and fragile. It should be very painful to pinch it like this. A cruel smile appeared on Miss Luo's face.

But soon, the smile froze on his face.

"Ouch... it feels so good... woo... feels so good... ow woo... feels so good..." Finally, what Xiao Jianhua said was no longer single-letter words, but also mixed in a few two-letter words, but it sounded like, Why are you so slutty, so... cheap!

The little cheap flower continued to twist the flower plate while shouting and screaming. Her coquettish little appearance became even more outrageous.

Miss Luo was completely defeated and helplessly loosened her fingers, suddenly feeling deep sympathy for Gu Fenghua.

You know, this is the first time she has chatted with the little cheap flower today, and she has already deeply understood what it means to be mean and unstoppable, and what it means to be invincible when the water is clear and there are no fish. As for Gu Fenghua, I remember that she had known Jianjian since she was very young, and she has been with him ever since, getting along with such an invincible little bitch day and night. How did she get here all these years... …

"How's it going? Did you enjoy the chat?" Just as he thought of Gu Fenghua, her familiar voice sounded in his ears.

"Happy." Luo Enen said this almost through gritted teeth.

"Then, do you want it to sing you another song?" Gu Fenghua asked enthusiastically.

"Singing..." Luo Enen's scalp suddenly went numb.

This little bitch flower can be so mean-spirited that it makes people want to die. If it is singing... Miss Luo thinks that she should take the initiative and find a rope to hang herself as soon as possible.

"Phew!" Seeing the cold sweat on Luo Enen's head, Gu Fenghua couldn't help laughing anymore.

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