My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5093 5093 The biggest reliance!

"It's the Cloud-Swallowing Dragon Python. It, it actually turned into a dragon!" Zhan Shibai was the first to react. Not only was his voice trembling, but his whole body was shaking like chaff.

A few days ago, Luo Enen had been lucky that the Cloud-Swallowing Dragon Python of the Setting Sun Sect had only advanced to the tenth level of the monster beast instead of transforming into a dragon form. At that time, they all dismissed it, thinking that Wuji Holy Heaven and Earth had insufficient spiritual energy and had never heard of it in tens of thousands of years. It has been said that any monster has broken through the limits of heaven and earth and succeeded in transforming into a dragon, and this cloud-swallowing dragon python is absolutely no exception.

Who knew, just a few days later, it would actually turn into a dragon successfully!

This is the legendary ancient dragon. Even if it is not as good as the real dragons, it is far stronger than other ferocious beasts. Even the legendary twelve ancient ferocious beasts are hardly its opponents.

It turns out that this is the biggest reliance of the Setting Sun Sect! The rest of the Xuangang Sect finally reacted. Although he was not trembling with fear like James Shibai, he was still frightened when he felt the unique pressure of the dragon clan. The legs of the young disciples who were retreating became weak and they could no longer move.

"Let's go!" Fortunately, this was not the first time Gu Fenghua saw the Dragon Clan. He was surprised, but he remained calm and turned around and shouted.

The young Xuangang Sect disciples just woke up from a dream, mustered up their courage, and retreated with difficulty. Those whose legs were so frightened that they could not walk were forced to retreat by several guests.

However, it was too late. I saw the giant dragon transformed from the cloud-swallowing dragon python let out a dragon roar, lowered its head and spurted out another mouthful of demon spirit power - at this time, perhaps it should no longer be called the power of the demon spirit, but the power of the dragon clan.

Although the giant dragon transformed by this cloud-swallowing dragon python is very different from the one described in ancient books, the weird body shape is somewhat similar to the big lobster in Sima Batian's mouth. It may not have completely transformed into a successful one, but the dragon clan's Powerful, but still unquestionable. It was also swallowing clouds and spitting out mist, but this time, the power was unknown how many times stronger. In almost an instant, the clouds and mist transformed by the power of the demon spirit spread out, forming a huge barrier, covering the mysterious world below. The Gang Sect members, Gu Fenghua and others were all enveloped in it.

A guest guest flew out and at the same time drew his sword and slashed, trying to break out of the barrier. But the sword light struck the invisible barrier, but it only caused ripples like water patterns. The next moment, the guest was shocked and flew back.

Seeing the six dazzling golden holy beads on his forehead, everyone in the barrier felt their hearts sink. Even the powerful men of the sixth rank of Emperor Saint were unable to break through this barrier. I wonder, who else here can do it?

In fact, among everyone, the strongest one is Gu Fenghua, but looking at the situation, even with her seventh-grade Emperor Saint strength, it is not easy to break through the cloud barrier.

But fortunately, Gu Fenghua is not only powerful in his own right, but also reached the pinnacle of the ninth level of Emperor Saint with his sword combined with Luo Enen and others. With such sword power, it shouldn't be too difficult to break the barrier. Zhan Shibo and others couldn't help but look at Gu Fenghua.

Noticing their hurried glances, Gu Fenghua certainly knew what they were thinking, but he smiled bitterly. With the concentrated swords of Luo Enen and others, she was sure to break through the barrier, but the question was, would the other party give them such a chance? She had already felt that the cloud formed by the power of the demon spirit was not only faster and more powerful than last time, but also contained a greater crisis.

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