Gu Fenghua and the others took several steps back before leaning on the ground with their swords, struggling to stabilize their bodies. Their chests rose and fell sharply, and the blood between their fingers dripped down the long swords. Due to the turbulent airflow around them, they turned into a bright red mist before they even hit the ground.

Obsidian fell from the sky, hitting Gu Fenghua's side heavily. His huge body was like a deflated rubber ball, and it quickly turned back into a little bear cub, with only fists made of fine gold. The skin was torn open, and the white bones were faintly exposed, causing it to gasp in pain.

Jianjian landed lightly on the other side of Gu Fenghua. It seemed that she was not seriously injured, but she was also beaten back to her original shape, listless, with her flower plate hanging down like frost.

The worst thing was for the little fox. This kind of head-on confrontation was not what it was good at, not to mention that this time it was facing the Cloud-Eating Dragon Python that had transformed into a dragon. Under the thunder, the petite and graceful figure of the little fox was blasted three feet away. The smooth and soft fox fur was burnt black, and there was a faint aroma of barbecue.

Seeing the miserable condition of the three demon pets, Gu Fenghua felt a sharp pain in his heart, and strong anger also burned fiercely in his heart.

"Fenghua, let's go." Lu Changsheng's eager shouting sounded from behind.

Although Gu Fenghua and the others finally escaped with the help of the three demon pets' desperate protection, everyone knew that they had tried their best and could not resist the Setting Sun Sect and the Cloud-Eating Dragon Python that transformed into a dragon. If they continue to attack next time, they will definitely die.

In the current situation, the demise of the Xuangang Sect was a foregone conclusion, and he did not want to drag down Gu Fenghua and others anymore. While it still takes some time for the giant dragon transformed from the cloud-swallowing python to recover its spiritual power, and the next attack has not yet come, with the strength of Gu Fenghua and the others, they should still have time to break through the barrier and escape to heaven!

"We're leaving, what will you do?" Gu Fenghua knew that now was not the time to feel heartbroken for the three demon pets, so he forced himself to look away from the little fox, took a deep breath, and turned around to ask.

"We also have the sect-protecting spirit beast..." Lu Changsheng blurted out without even thinking. But halfway through, I remembered that the Protector Spirit Beast had made a contract with Fang Tianyou. If he wanted to use the Protector Spirit Beast, Fang Tianyou couldn't leave. If he didn't leave, how could Gu Fenghua and others leave.

"The worst I can do is risk my life. I don't believe that the Setting Sun Sect really dares to fight to the death with us." So, Lu Changsheng changed his mind again and said quickly.

Gu Fenghua shook his head and smiled faintly.

A few days ago, in order to monopolize Beiyuan City and not allow others to take advantage of the opportunity, it would have been difficult for the Can Yang Sect to make up its mind to fight to the death with the Xuangang Sect. However, the situation is obviously different now. If the fight continues, the Xuangang Sect will be defeated. This fish will definitely die, but the net of the Setting Sun Sect will never be broken.

"Fenghua, let's go!" At this time, Fang Tianyou suddenly said.

"Young Sect Leader, you are leaving too, leave immediately!" Lu Changsheng was slightly startled, and shouted to Fang Tianyou anxiously.

Everyone looked at Fang Tianyou in surprise, including Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen. Is this really the Fang Tianyou they know?

"Master has saved my life, I can't leave." Fang Tianyou said calmly, but his expression was also extremely determined.

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