My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5101 5101 The Thin Line of Life and Death

Gu Fenghua's delicate and graceful figure was clearly standing in front of them, but at this moment, they felt so mysterious and ethereal, as if they were blended with the heaven and earth, and seemed to be floating outside the sky. A kind of awe that they had never experienced before arose from the bottom of their hearts, and they couldn't help but feel the desire to worship.

What's going on?

They had a similar feeling just now when the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python appeared in the form of a giant dragon, but at this moment, the feeling was even stronger, ten times, or even dozens of times stronger.

"This is..." Wen Longyuan stared at Gu Fenghua opposite him. Although he tried hard to restrain the urge to worship, his voice was trembling slightly.

"Is there something weird about her sword?" Wen Longan said with sweat on his face.

Although judging from the situation in front of him, Zhan Xin Sect and Setting Sun Sect clearly had the upper hand, the ominous premonition in his heart became even stronger.

He even had an impulse: to leave, to leave immediately without caring about anything. But looking at Wen Longyuan and others with high fighting spirit next to him, he had to suppress this impulse. He knew that if he left now, he would definitely become a laughing stock, and there would be no place for him in the Zhanxin Sect or even the entire Spirit Realm in the future.

"No matter how many things there are, kill her. We must kill her today!" Qu Dangyuan said with a murderous look on his face.

It was only then that he realized a problem. They had fought several times, but he had never seen Gu Fenghua pull out the sword, which meant that she might have been conserving her strength. So, how strong should she be when she draws her sword?

Of course, Qu Dangyuan couldn't think of an answer to this question, but he was certain of one thing: even if the Xuangang Sect could not be destroyed today, it would not be a big deal to the Can Yang Sect. At worst, it would come back some time later. However, if Gu Fenghua cannot be killed today, then the Setting Sun Sect will definitely be destroyed in her hands.

He didn't know where such a premonition came from, but as a strong man of the eighth level of Emperor Saint, he also believed in his intuition.

"Kill!" Pulling out his long sword, Qu Dangyuan took the lead and rushed towards Gu Fenghua, but his legs felt as heavy as lead. Every step he took seemed to exhaust all his strength.

Other disciples of the Setting Sun Sect, Wen Longyuan and others also sensed something was wrong and rushed forward. However, even Qu Dangyuan, the strongest among them, was struggling, and they were no exception.

Seeing Qu Dangyuan and others rushing towards him, Gu Fenghua's expression became even colder.

Once the divine sword is unsheathed, her combat power will surpass the ninth level of Emperor Saint and enter another realm. The only thing that can block the long sword in her hand is the giant dragon transformed from the cloud-swallowing python. Others , no different than ants!

The power of blood continued to pour into the sword hilt, and Gu Fenghua was about to pull out the sword. Suddenly, her heart palpitated violently again, and that extremely strong uneasiness came to her mind uncontrollably again, as if there was an invisible big hand holding her heart and soul tightly. Any exertion will destroy her heart and soul.

But this time, Gu Fenghua had no hesitation - on the line between life and death, how could she have any chance to hesitate?

"Bitch, what are you doing?" At this moment, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse suddenly exclaimed in unison.

When Gu Fenghua was drawing his sword, he subconsciously paused, turned his head to look, and then was stunned.

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