My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5105 5105 A terrible nightmare

"Roar..." The giant dragon roared crazily, and spurted out demon spirit power (dragon power) one after another.

In fact, this cloud-swallowing dragon python did not really succeed in transforming into a dragon, or it was only half successful. The recovery speed of the demon spirit's power was far from comparable to that of a real dragon. Although the innate magical power of swallowing clouds and spitting mist is cast faster and more powerful, the loss of the power of the demon spirit is also increased several times.

Therefore, every time it used this innate magical power before, it would rest for a while, and after the power of the demon spirit recovered, it would then use it next time. But now that the soul is in madness, it obviously won't think so much.

For Qu Dangyuan, Wen Longyuan and others, this is obviously a great misfortune.

As the power of the demon spirit spurted out continuously, the terrifying thunder and lightning seemed to stop forever, falling one after another.

The members of the Xuan Gang Sect had a moment of respite in the face of this lightning, but they didn't even have a chance to take a breath, so how could they have a chance to escape?

Fear appeared on everyone's face. All the ambitions and aspirations of annihilating the Xuan Gang Sect, killing Gu Fenghua, and seeking revenge were all wiped out by the thunder. What awaited them would be a terrible nightmare.

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, the defensive barrier quickly shattered. Qu Dangyuan hurriedly activated the formation and set up the second barrier. After a moment, the second barrier also shattered. After that, Qu Dangyuan was almost desperate. He set up a third barrier. Next to him, the equally desperate second elder led his disciples to wave their long swords and formed a sword formation with the help of formation techniques.

There was no suspense. As the lightnings fell one after another, they only lasted less than half a quarter of an hour before they watched the barrier break and then watched the sword formation break.

The blue lightning, carrying the aura of destruction, fell into the crowd.

"Ah..." Amidst the screams, a disciple of the Setting Sun Sect fell to the ground and was turned into powder by the thunder.

At first, it was the young disciples with the weakest cultivation, then, it was the heads of the families who were attached to the Canning Yang Sect, and then, it was the deacons, elders, and guests of the various halls of the Cannyang Sect. At the same time, there were also members of the Zhanxin Sect. All the strong men...

Although in terms of overall strength, the combination of the Setting Sun Sect and the Zhanxin Sect is still much stronger than the Xuangang Sect, but don’t forget that the Xuangang Sect has Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, Ye Wuse, And Fang Tianyou, it was because of their powerful sword that was comparable to the ninth-grade Emperor Saint that they managed to persevere until the sound of the demon pet's voice sounded.

Although the Setting Sun Sect and Zhan Xin Sect also have strong men, none of them can reach this level. Facing the crazy counterattack of their own sect-protecting spirit beasts, they have no power to compete.

In front of the Xuangang Sect, on the ancient long street, thunder struck the ground, and a famous strong man fell. The screams echoed in the city and the vast world, like purgatory on earth.

Figures of people descended one after another. Finally, there was another loud noise, and Qu Dangyuan's tall body fell heavily. Although he has a powerful cultivation level of the Eighth Grade Emperor Saint, and although he has overwhelming hatred, after exhausting all the power of the demon spirits in the array, and without the protection of the city defense array, how can he resist it? Live one powerful Lei Wei after another.

Next to him, Wen Longyuan fell to the ground one step ahead of him. All the meridians in his body have been broken, and his heart has been shattered. Blood is constantly pouring out of the corners of his mouth, and his life is passing away quickly. Seeing a famous elder deacon of Zhan Xin Sect lying on the cold ground not far away, turning into ashes one by one under the thunder, his eyes gradually became hollow and confused.

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