My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5107 5107 Their worries are unnecessary

She obviously made a mistake about the contract between Qu Danyuan and the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python. There are several types of contracts between a holy master and a demon pet: one is the master-servant contract. Once the master dies from serious injuries, the demon pet will also suffer severe injuries. This is the most common demon pet contract. The other type is a blood-soul contract similar to a sacrifice. Once the owner dies, the demon pet cannot live alone. Relatively speaking, this kind of contract is rarer. After all, monsters also have dignity, how could they easily place their own life and death on the fate of others. Maybe some weak monsters don't care too much about dignity, but no one likes such monsters.

In addition to these two contracts, there is another one, which is a guardianship contract between the Saint Master and the monster beast. They protect each other's lives regardless of their superiority. Even if the owner dies, the monster pet will be safe and sound. If you want, you can still Then make a contract with other saint masters. Gu Fenghua established such a protective contract with Jianjian, Hei Yao, and Ju Ju, so many times, the three naughty children could go into battle on their own without her orders.

With the power of the three great sect-protecting spirit beasts in Beiyuan City, it is natural that they cannot surrender their status to establish a master-servant contract or a blood-soul contract. No matter whether they are with the founders of the sect or the subsequent sect masters, they all have this kind of equality. The contract of protection.

"It has a protective contract with Qu Dangyuan, and Qu Dangyuan's death has no impact on it. Otherwise, when the first leader of the Can Yang Sect passed away, it was either seriously injured or died unexpectedly. How could it survive? To this day." Ye Wuse also stood up unsteadily and explained helpfully.

"So that's it." Luo Enen suddenly realized and patted his head hard again.

Jianjian's singing voice is so magical that it almost shakes my neck and breaks it. It still lingers in my mind and I can't drive it away no matter what.

While several people were talking, the giant dragon looked up to the sky and let out a roar again, the hatred and anger in its eyes burning like fire.

"Not good!" Lu Changsheng and others exclaimed in unison.

This cloud-swallowing dragon python that transformed into a dragon has been guarding the Setting Sun Sect for tens of thousands of years. How could it not have any emotions? Now it was so disturbed by Gu Fenghua's demon pet that it personally killed the sect leader with whom it had a bond of heaven and earth. At the same time, it destroyed the Setting Sun Sect with its own hands, how could it not hate it?

And as the singing stopped, Gu Fenghua's demonic plant swayed in the air and floated in the wind, but the flower plate drooped down listlessly. It was obvious that the power of the demonic spirit was greatly damaged - this is normal, it is so demonic. , how could a song that was so terrifying, even so terrifying that even the giant dragon could not resist it, without using spiritual energy. Even if you don't completely transform into a dragon, it's still a dragon, not a lobster.

One is full of hatred, and the other is severely damaged in spiritual power. When the two fight against each other, you don't need to think about the result. I'm afraid that such a weak little white flower can't even be crammed into the teeth of a giant dragon.

Of course, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen also saw that the situation was not good, so they all grasped the hilt of the sword without saying anything more.

However, their worries were unnecessary. After the roar, the dragon did not attack Jianjian, but suddenly turned its head, turned around and rushed towards the outside of the city.

Escaped, this dragon actually escaped! Lu Changsheng and others were stunned.

In fact, this giant dragon is the target of the cheap and brain-burning demonic sound. They were only attacked by the lingering sound, so they still don’t know how terrifying this demonic sound is, so they can’t imagine the anger and hatred behind it. , to what extent this giant dragon is afraid of Jianjian.

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