My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5116 5116 Jianjian is different from before

"Then tell me what's going on?" Fatty Bai said with a red face, unconvinced.

Fatty Bai felt angry but also ashamed to be despised by Miss Luo, whose IQ level was often not online. He had to admit that Miss Luo did make sense this time. Yaozhi's blood was originally green, and even if it was injured, it shouldn't be so bright red.

"Of course it's because I drank too much. Don't people blush when they drink too much? It's called blood pressure. You understand." Luo Enen said proudly.

"..." Everyone was stunned at the same time.

Since the injured demon plant's bleeding shouldn't be red, then why does it turn red when the blood energy rises after being drunk? She actually said it so confidently, Miss Luo's brain circuit was really strange.

"Fenghua, what's going on here?" Ye Wuse asked worriedly, not wanting to listen to Miss Luo's nonsense.

"It seems that it is about to enter the growth stage." Gu Fenghua said with a strange expression.

"So fast!" Ye Wuse and Luo Enen were all shocked.

After being seriously injured last time, Jianjian was reborn and returned to his infancy. Although judging from previous experience, its initial growth rate is very fast and it will soon enter the growth stage. However, it will not reach this level no matter how fast it is. Calculating the time, it only takes a few months. Why? Are you about to enter the growth stage?

"Maybe it's because these holy hearts are drunk." Gu Fenghua looked at the dozen empty wine jars at his feet and said thoughtfully.

Although every drop of the wine was drunk by the three naughty children, as long as you smell the strong aroma of the wine, you can feel the frighteningly rich vitality in it. The little bear cub and the little fox each only drank one jar, and then all their injuries were healed, and they burst out with unprecedented fighting power. The little girl drank more than a dozen jars alone, and it seemed not surprising that they passed the newborn stage in one fell swoop.

After all, the demand for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at this stage of monster beasts is not too high, and the ancient beasts are no exception. What's more, Jianjian is reborn from Nirvana, so there is no guarantee that he will avoid many detours.

"But even after entering the growth stage, it shouldn't be like this, right?" Luo Enen looked at the charming bloody lines on the petals and said doubtfully.

Before the serious injury, the little cheap flower had already entered the growth stage, but the little white flower was still a little white flower, and there were no such bloody lines on the petals.

"I feel that Jianjian is different from before." Gu Fenghua said.

She felt that Jianjian, who was about to enter the growth stage, was slightly different from before, but she couldn't tell what the difference was.

"Could it be that the bloodline is awakening?" Ye Wuse guessed. In fact, after this Nirvana rebirth, Jianjian is very different from before, such as being able to speak human words. Among the demonic plants, there are not many who can speak, and those who can speak in their infancy are even more unseen and unheard of.

This situation is very similar to the awakening of the bloodline of a monster beast - once the bloodline is awakened, the monster beast can possibly realize some kind of innate magical power, and the monster plant should be no exception.

"That should be the case. Maybe, when it really enters the growth stage, we will know what kind of demon plant it is." Gu Fenghua nodded and said.

Ye Wuse and others' eyes lit up. They have known each other for many years, and they also came to Wuji Holy Heaven from Tianji Continent, but until now, no one has been able to recognize the true origin of Xiao Jianhua. It is possible that, like the original cub, it did not assume its true form.

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