My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5118 5118 This time it’s real pills

"You go ahead and ignore us." Of course Gu Fenghua knew what they were doing at the Setting Sun Sect and nodded without saying anything else.

From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many sects have been destroyed, disappeared, or even just short-lived and forgotten by the world. The Setting Sun Sect ended up like this. In the final analysis, it was still greedy and there was nothing worthy of sympathy. The same was true for the Zhanxin Sect.

To be honest, the disciples who are still in the Setting Sun Sect at this time are a bit pitiful. Because of their low strength, they are not qualified to participate in today's battle, let alone influence the decision of the sect leader, but in the end, they still have to face it. To such an unreasonable disaster.

However, Beiyuan City guards the cornucopia of the Far North Icefield, and I don’t know how many people have plans for Beiyuan City, openly or secretly. Once the Setting Sun Sect was destroyed, although the Xuangang Sect was the dominant sect, it was not easy to defend Beiyuan City. If Lu Changsheng had any brains, he would not kill the remaining disciples of the Setting Sun Sect, let alone him. Gu Fenghua has a cautious temperament, so there is no need to worry too much.

After saying goodbye to Gu Fenghua and others, Lu Changsheng quickly gathered his men.

Although everyone in the Xuangang Sect was seriously injured, they had just experienced a life and death battle, and it was a time when blood was boiling. When they heard that they were going to counterattack the Can Yang Sect, the crowd suddenly became excited. As soon as Lu Changsheng gave the order, all the disciples gathered together, and the entrance of Xuangang Sect was in chaos again.

"Supreme Elder, Supreme Elder!" A young disciple cried out in panic and cry from the crowd.

Everyone fell silent at the same time and looked in the direction where the cry came from. James was lying on his back on the ground, his whole body was shaking, his teeth were clenched, and his lips were blue.

The faces of Lu Changsheng and other elder deacons changed drastically, and they rushed forward.

Gu Fenghua's heart also sank. This old man was already quite old, and he was seriously injured just now. He couldn't hold on any longer. While quickly squeezing into the crowd, Gu Fenghua took out the golden needle.

"It's over, it's over!" At this moment, the little old man suddenly turned over and sat up, shouting with a look of horror.

"..." Everyone around them fell silent.

After the fuss for a long time, the Supreme Elder was frightened to death and fainted - oh no, looking at it like this, he was almost frightened to death.

You, the old man, are also the Supreme Elder after all, so why can't you be more angry? If you don't feel embarrassed, we still feel embarrassed. Lu Changsheng and several other elders and deacons all blushed, and they really wanted to dig a hole in the ground and go down.

"It's over, it's over!" The little old man didn't even notice the embarrassment and shame on their faces. He looked frightened and continued to shout out of breath while covering his chest.

"Tai Shang Elder, it's over. Qu Dangyuan and others are dead, and the Cloud-Swallowing Dragon Python is also dead." Lu Changsheng suppressed his embarrassment, tried his best to force out a gentle smile, and said comfortingly.

In fact, the demon soul of the Cloud-Eating Dragon Python still exists, but it has been sealed by Gu Fenghua and firmly imprisoned by the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map. It is no longer a threat to the Xuan Gang Sect, and it is not wrong to say that it is dead.

"I mean pills, pills, give me the elixir quickly, quickly, quickly!" James Bai stretched out his palm, his chest heaved violently, and he couldn't catch the sudden breath. He rolled his eyes, covered his chest with his other hand and looked up. And fell.

It turned out that the Supreme Elder really wanted pills this time. Lu Changsheng and others all have a black streak. Only then did I notice that the old man's face was starting to turn blue. Even without getting close, you could hear his heart beating as fast as a drum, as if his heart was about to burst out of his chest.

Not daring to hesitate, Lu Changsheng and others hurriedly searched for suitable holy elixirs.

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