My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5122 5122 Come back quickly to report the good news to Gu Fenghua

"Uh...I was originally here to practice, but I fell asleep for some reason, ha..." Fang Tianyou was obviously stunned, and then he answered confidently, and even let out a long yawn at the end.


Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, Gu Fenghua could still think of the laziness on Young Master Fang's face, and the astonishment and speechlessness on Lu Changsheng's face.

With a young sect master like this who is so lazy that he can even fall asleep while practicing, the great elder will have a heavy burden in the future.

"By the way, what happened? Tell me quickly. After that, I'll go and catch up on my sleep." Fang Tianyou urged after yawning.

You're still catching up on your sleep. You're just going back to sleep, okay? Even Gu Fenghua almost couldn't bear Fang Tianyou's laziness.

"Young Master, please report to Fenghua that the Nine Heavens Chaos Stone has been found." When it came to business, Lu Changsheng finally regained his energy and said with joy.

The Xuangang Sect was able to escape the catastrophe and become the sole owner of Beiyuan City. In the final analysis, it was all the credit of Gu Fenghua and others. Of course he didn't dare to be careless about what Gu Fenghua explained. After arriving at the Setting Sun Sect and subduing the remaining disciples, the first thing to do was to search for the whereabouts of the Nine Heavens Chaos Stone.

He was lucky. Although the Nine Heavens Chaos Stone was rare, it was difficult for ordinary weapon refiners to use it. In addition, the Setting Sun Sect had just acquired it not long ago and had no chance to use it. This extraordinary stone was lying peacefully. In the treasure house of the Setting Sun Sect. Lu Changsheng and others worked together to break the restriction. Once they obtained the Nine Heavens Chaos Stone, they did not dare to delay and hurried back to report the good news to Gu Fenghua.

found it! Gu Fenghua was really overjoyed when he heard this. He no longer cared about the drunkenness of the Holy Heart, put him back into the pure land of the spiritual heart, opened the door and ran out.

"Fenghua, fortunately, I have found the Nine Heavens Chaos Stone." Now that Gu Fenghua has come out, there is no need for Fang Tianyou to report it. Lu Changsheng respectfully handed a strange stone to Gu Fenghua.

This strange stone is completely black and looks ordinary at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that there is an invisible layer of energy flowing on its surface. It is clearly right in front of you, but it gives people a sense of emptiness and unreality. This kind of energy is completely different from Wuji Shengtian's own fine gold and mithril, but it is somewhat similar to another Bahuang Emperor Sand.

There is no doubt that this is the legendary Nine Heavens Chaos Stone!

"Thank you, Elder Lu, for your hard work." Gu Fenghua gratefully took the Nine Heavens Chaos Stone.

"It's not hard work, it's just a little effort." Lu Changsheng was flattered and waved his hands repeatedly. After that, he said diligently, "Fenghua, I have ordered someone to arrange a banquet, so why not go over now."

"I appreciate Elder Lu's kindness, but my alchemy furnace needs to be repaired as soon as possible, or another day." Gu Fenghua said apologetically.

She originally didn't want to refuse Lu Changsheng's kind gesture, but after finally finding the Nine Heavens Chaos Stone and finally being able to temper the Demonic Wood Cauldron again, there was no way she was willing to waste time.

"Okay, then I won't force it. Another day, another day!" Lu Changsheng had seen how powerful the Demonic Wood Cauldron was, and he also knew how important it was to Gu Fenghua to repair the Demonic Wood Cauldron, so he didn't force it and said cheerfully.

"By the way, about the ancient ruins, I heard that the Setting Sun Sect has found some clues. I am summoning the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect to ask them one by one. Don't worry yet." Lu Changsheng paused and then continued.

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