My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5124 5124 is indeed a success

Retempering the Demonic Wood Cauldron is easy to say, but not easy to do. After all, this alchemy furnace has been refined a long time ago, and generally speaking, the tools contained in it cannot be changed at all. If you change to another refiner, you can basically only repair it, but it is impossible to temper it again. Even if you can barely do it, the improvement will be very limited. If you are not careful, there is a danger of destroying the furnace and killing people.

Only the Tianxuan Artifact secretly passed down by the Burning Heaven Sect has such a wonderful effect. But even after learning the Tianxuan Weapon Art, it would take a lot of time and energy to completely integrate the new fine gold and mithril with the original magic weapon.

Every step must be perfect, without any omissions. Otherwise, even if it is just a little bit like the tip of a needle, or even finer than the tip of the needle, the fine gold mithril cannot be completely integrated with the alchemy furnace, and it will become impurities. As the saying goes, a thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant nest. This impurity may not have any harm at ordinary times, and it is even difficult to find its existence, but at a critical moment, it is very likely to destroy the demon wood cauldron and harm her. life.

Time passes slowly. Unconsciously, the sky was bright and the sunlight was shining on the earth, shining on Gu Fenghua's face, reflecting a crystal light.

It was only then that Luo Enen and others noticed that there were thin beads of sweat on her face!

It turns out that tempering the demonic wood cauldron is so laborious and laborious. Gu Fenghua's weapon refining skills are so tiring that an ordinary weapon refiner would not even dare to think about it. Luo Enen and others secretly sighed.

The courtyard door opened a gap at some point, and Zhong Lingxiu paid attention to Gu Fenghua's pretty face covered with sweat but still focused for a long time, with a hint of shame in her eyes.

All this time, she had only seen the powerful side of Gu Fenghua. Regardless of the cultivation level of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint, the real combat power that far exceeded the cultivation level, or the incredible alchemy, weapon skills, and formations, they all made her feel deeply shocked. Sometimes she even couldn't help but think about how many opportunities Gu Fenghua had to have to have such strength without a family background like her own or an amazing sect inheritance like her own.

And at this moment, she finally understood. Opportunity is important, but Gu Fenghua's hard work is actually more important. In order to have such strength, she doesn't know how much effort and sweat she has put in.

At this moment, Zhong Lingxiu was deeply shocked again. Silently closing the courtyard door, she returned to her room, sat cross-legged and performed her exercises, her mind quickly falling into emptiness.

The sun was high in the sky, the sunlight became hot and dazzling, but the courtyard was still peaceful. Suddenly, a rune on the foot of the furnace lit up, shining with bright starlight, which was even more dazzling than the midday sun. Then, a second rune lit up, then a third, and a fourth. After a while, all the runes on the three furnace legs emitted dazzling and charming starlight!

Success! Although Luo Enen and others didn't know much about the Tao of Instruments, at this moment, their hearts were shaking involuntarily, and they couldn't look away for a long time, and even their minds were immersed in it.

Gu Fenghua breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his face, but he was not as excited as them.

It was indeed successful, but it was only the first step. Next, the furnace body had to be tempered.

The method is the same as before, still condensing the weapon fire, melting the Eight Desolate Emperor Sands and the Nine Heavens Chaos Stone into the furnace body, and then refining them with the weapon fire to completely melt them into it.

However, although the method was the same, her expression was obviously much more solemn than before. The reason is very simple: compared with the three furnace legs, the formation on the furnace body is more complicated. Therefore, it becomes more difficult to completely integrate these two kinds of extraordinary stones into it without making any mistakes or omissions. , of course it will be more dangerous.

Gu Fenghua cheered up and concentrated his spiritual thoughts to the extreme. He made each hand seal extremely slowly, almost using up all his concentration.

Soon, another fine layer of sweat appeared on her freshly wiped face.

Luo Enen and others also realized at this time that they were happy a little too early, and this was just the beginning.

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