My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5134 5134 Regardless of the enemy or ourselves, attack in all directions

"It's getting late. They are very drunk and need a good rest, so they should leave first." Gu Fenghua said considerately.

"Then I'll send someone to send them back first." Lu Changsheng continued. Originally, he was supposed to send Gu Fenghua and the others back to the sect master's mansion in person, but his heart was still in a state of turmoil and had not been fully implemented. How could he dare to stay with Ye Wuse, Luo En, Fatty Bai and the others? together.

"Who said we were drunk? We were not drunk. We could leave on our own." Luo Enen and others stood up at the same time, saying unconvincedly, and staggered towards the door.

Sure enough, a drunk person will never admit that he is drunk. But the more he refused to admit it, the more he was drunk.

"No need to bother, I will send them back. You should go back and rest early." Gu Fenghua saw that although they were faltering, they could at least keep track of the direction, so he rejected Lu Changsheng's kindness.

She could clearly see that as soon as Lu Changsheng said those words, not only the expressions of the elders and guest ministers nearby changed drastically, but also the young disciples serving beside him were all scared to death.

After saying that, Gu Fenghua, Liu Sanjue and Fang Tianyou helped Ye Wuse and the others walk out.

Liu Sanjue knew the origin of Gu Fenghua's holy heart drunkenness, and he concentrated on the mystery of it, so he didn't drink too much and didn't get too drunk. But Fang Tianyou only focused on eating and didn't have time to drink more - he had no choice but to eat a few full meals after being hungry for so many years, that is, after returning to Xuan Gang Sect, and such a sumptuous banquet, even in Xuan Gang Sect, It's not uncommon for Gang Zong to see him. He started swallowing hard even before the food was served, so he didn't even bother to drink.

Of course, it was fortunate that they didn't drink too much, otherwise not many people would be able to walk out of the banquet hall unharmed today. Although their singing is not as terrifying as Jianjian's original singer, don't forget that Jianjian's last target was Tunyun Longmang, Qudangyuan Wenlongyuan and others, but they were only affected by Chiyu. But today, Ye Wuse and the others attacked from all directions without distinguishing between friend and foe.

Just the three of them singing with all their heart are already so fatal. If Fang Tianyou and Liu Sanjue are added to the mix...the consequences will be disastrous, unimaginable!

Lu Changsheng originally wanted to hold on, but in the blink of an eye he saw the young disciples who were frightened to death, so he did not force himself and sent Gu Fenghua and others to the door and stopped.

Under the moonlight, Gu Fenghua and others supported the swaying Luo En'en, Bai Fatty and Ye Wuse and walked towards the sect master's mansion. They had already walked a long way. Behind them, Zhan Shibo and Sima Batian's lingering instructions sounded: " Fenghua, please remember in the future, never let them drink again."

The night wind came, and Gu Fenghua felt a chill on her body: Even without this warning, she would not have dared to let Luo Enen and the others drink anymore, not even letting them take a sip!

After sending Gu Fenghua and his party away, everyone in the Xuan Gang Sect also dispersed.

"By the way, Elder, what should I do with the remaining wine?" A young disciple stood far away and asked with a trembling finger pointing at the half jar of Holy Heart that Gu Fenghua left on the table. The nervous and fearful look was as if this was some kind of poison that could penetrate the intestines in one step.

Well, this is indeed poison, but the person who drinks it will not be poisoned, but the people next to him will be.

"Pour it out." An elder blurted out without thinking.

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