"We still have something urgent to do. Let's go back to Beiyuan City first. You can go on your way slowly." Time was running out, and Gu Fenghua did not dare to delay. He said hello to several Xuan Gang Sect disciples and then flew up with his holy energy.

Luo Enen and others quickly followed, but before they could fly into the air, their faces turned pale and crooked. As if thinking of something extremely terrible, his eyes were full of horror.

"Fenghua, why don't you go back first? I'm too tired and can't raise my holy energy, so I'd better run back." Fang Tianyou said to Gu Fenghua while trembling.

"Fenghua, I'm too tired, why don't I go run too." Luo Enen also said quickly.

"Fenghua..." Fatty Bai hesitated for a moment and then continued.

"Since we're all so tired, let's fly on the Cloud Flying Boat." Gu Fenghua said considerately before he could finish speaking.

"Whoosh..." The figure flashed around him as he spoke, and Fang Tianyou had already flown out like an arrow from a string.

"Whoosh..." The figure flashed again, and Luo Enen also flew out.

"Whoosh..." In another flash, Fatty Bai also flew out.

In the end, even Ye Wuse and Liu Sanjue, who had always been steady, rushed out as if facing a formidable enemy. This speed was so fast that Gu Fenghua was amazed.

"As expected of a sixth-grade Emperor Saint, so fast."

"Yes, even if the former sect master tried his best, he might not be able to do it at such a speed." Looking up at the figures flying past as fast as meteors, the disciples of the Xuan Gang Sect below all looked envious. .

Thinking of the terrible feeling of being in a flying boat flying across the clouds, spinning around in the sky and screaming every day, Luo Enen and others were frightened. They aroused the holy energy in their bodies to the extreme, and even had the strength to feed themselves. With lightning speed, he rushed back to Beiyuan City in a short time.

As soon as they landed on the ground, everyone found their own places, leaned over and retched. There was nothing they could do. As soon as they flew into the sky, they couldn't help but feel dizzy, as if they were back in that nightmare again, and their stomachs were churning.

"Young Sect Leader, Miss Luo, Mr. Ye, what are you..." Lu Changsheng's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Turning around, he saw Lu Changsheng and Zhan Shibai leading several Xuan Gang Sect disciples just leaving the city. Looking at Fang Tianyou, Luo Enen and Fatty Bai who were pale and retching desperately, their faces were all filled with shock.

"No, it's okay. Why did you come out?" I have to say that sometimes saving face is also an advantage. When he saw them, Fang Tianyou immediately straightened up and said calmly.

"Didn't I just happen to see you guys leaving the city on a cloud-crossing flying boat? We have never seen or heard of such a magical weapon, so we came out to see the excitement." Seeing the bruises on Fang Tianyou's face, Lu Changsheng was startled again. , but knowing that this young sect master had a bad habit of saving face, he pretended not to see anything.

In fact, they didn't come out to watch the excitement, but because they saw that the flying boat flying across the clouds was flying too strangely, and they were worried that something might happen to Gu Fenghua and others, so they came out specifically to have a look. Fortunately, except for the young sect master, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, and looked a little miserable, the others were all unharmed... Wait, no, although the others were not seriously injured, except for Gu Fenghua, they all vomited and vomited, and they seemed to be no better than the young master. How good could it be.

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