My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5169 Who can answer this question?

After waiting for more than three hours, Lu Changsheng returned again.

"Elder Lu, have you heard about it?" Gu Fenghua asked impatiently.

Although she was sure that Xie Youran was still alive, even the sword he carried fell into the hands of others, and the situation was probably very bad, so if they didn't find him for a day, they would not be able to rest at ease for a day.

Lu Changsheng shook his head and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

"Didn't you hear any news?" Gu Fenghua asked puzzledly.

Although the Hanyun Sect has been destroyed, it was only caused by civil strife, and it was not a disaster of annihilation. Most of the disciples below are still alive. Find them to find out who went to the ancient ruins that day, and who owned the Blue Blood Core Sword at that time. It shouldn't be difficult, right?

"I did find out something." Lu Changsheng collected his thoughts and said, "A total of thirty-four people from the Hanyun Sect went to the ancient ruins that day, including one sect leader, nine elders, six deacons, five guest ministers, and three worshipers. People, what they wear is either the famous sword passed down from generation to generation by Hanyun Sect, or the sword passed down by their respective ancestors or sects, there is no way they can wear this Blue Blood Core Sword."

Such a result had been expected by Gu Fenghua and others. The Blue Blood Core Sword can be called a divine sword in the Tianji Continent, but in the Wuji Holy Heaven, its grade can only be regarded as top grade at best. How can it be compared with the portable swords of the Hanyun Sect leader, Elder Ke Qing, and others?

With their status, how could they possibly snatch the sword of a mere junior? If word spread, wouldn't they be afraid of being laughed out of their faces? If they really did such a thing, they would definitely kill people and silence them. How could Ye Wuse still be alive?

"What about the others?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"The others are all disciples of Luo Yuancheng and others. The sword worn by the young sect master Mu Yiping is called Qiu Ming Hanyue, which is also a famous sword passed down by Hanyun Sect since ancient times. The great elder's direct disciple Du Chenyan wears a sword It's called Luoxue, and it's also a famous sword passed down from ancient times by the Hanyun Sect; a direct disciple of the third elder..." Lu Changsheng said one after another.

"Are you saying that the swords they wear are all famous swords in the world, and their grades are far higher than this Jade Blood Core Sword. There is no need to grab this sword and take it with them?" After hearing what he said one by one, Gu Fenghua finally understood why he hesitated to speak but then stopped.

Such a result was obviously not what they wanted. Lu Changsheng probably felt guilty for not being able to help.

"Yes, I specially found the only remaining deacon of Hanyun Sect and asked the servants around Mu Yiping carefully. I have never heard of Xie Youran, nor the Blue Blood Pill Heart. Sword." Lu Changsheng nodded and said.

No wonder he was delayed for several hours, it turned out that he inquired in such detail.

"In other words, this sword was not brought into the ancient ruins by them?" Ye Wuse asked thoughtfully.

"Not bad." Lu Changsheng nodded affirmatively.

"Where is Youran, and why did his sword escape to the ancient ruins?" Luo Enen asked worriedly.

Who can answer this question? Lu Changsheng remained silent. There was dead silence in the living room, and Gu Fenghua and others looked even more worried.

"I don't want to think too much. Let's go to the ancient ruins first." After a moment, Gu Fenghua said.

She thought she could find out Xie Youran's whereabouts through the Blue Blood Core Sword. She was originally going to put the matter of the ancient ruins aside until she found Xie Youran, but she didn't expect this would be the result. Now it seems that we can only go to the ancient ruins to see what's going on. Maybe Fang Tianyou was right, Xie Youran was still in that ancient ruins.

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