My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5171 5171 This guy is obsessed with saving face.

"You said that you humans really want to refine divine weapons, so why don't you think of another way? You have to attack us monsters. I, the ghost dragon clan, have never fought against the world since ancient times, but we still lived and died with you during the great catastrophe. , but once the disaster was over, you actually..." Gui Jiao explained to Luo Enen the process of discovering the ancient ruins.

At the beginning, he was very proud, but later on, he accidentally talked about his miserable life... Oh, it was Jiao Sheng. The more he talked about it, the more sad he became, and there were tears in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, as long as you know where it is, we'll leave right away!" Gu Fenghua impatiently interrupted Gui Jiao's bloody and tearful accusation.

She had never heard Ghost Dragon talk about its past before, but when she heard it today, it was even more tragic than she imagined. Just after he succeeded in cultivation, he offended the Holy Sect and was chased for thousands of miles by others. He finally saved his life and made great progress in cultivation. He wanted to take revenge. He met Gongye Longzhu again. Needless to say, you know what happened next. It must have been another hard battle, and then the body was completely destroyed and only the demon soul was sealed into the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map. From then on, it has not seen the light of day for ten thousand years. Finally, it was not easy to get out of the trap, and met myself again...

As he listened, even Gu Fenghua began to sympathize with its tragic life. But there were still important things going on right now, and she didn't have time to comfort Gui Jiao's injured heart.

"Let's go!" Luo Enen urged.

Miss Luo's kindness is different from person to person, and she has no sympathy for this ghost dragon. I originally wanted to hear how it found the ancient ruins before, but who knew that this guy was tearfully rambling on and on, and the ramblings were getting further and further, and Miss Luo had already yawned.

"Fenghua, it's getting so late, why don't we leave early in the morning." Lu Changsheng looked at the dark night outside and said to Gu Fenghua.

"No need, let's set off now." Gu Fenghua said as he walked out.

Worried about Xie Youran's safety, she was unwilling to delay for a moment.

"Yes, yes, let's set off immediately. Maybe I am right. Youran is at that ancient ruins. The sooner we go, the better." Fang Tianyou also said urgently.

Back when they were in the Xinghua Temple, he and Xie Youran were at odds with each other, and they both disliked each other. However, after living and dying together time and time again, the two of them had long since settled their differences and become closer than others. At this time, he thought that Xie Youran might be in danger, and he was more worried than others.

"Are you going too?" Lu Changsheng and James Shibai exclaimed at the same time.

The head of the Xuangang Sect passed away, leaving only Fang Tianyou as his heir. What would they do if he had some shortcomings?

"Why don't you go, stay and wait for news from us." Gu Fenghua didn't think of this at first, but he reacted when he heard the two people's exclamations, so he said to Fang Tianyou.

If you think about it with your toes, you can imagine how dangerous the ancient ruins are. With Fang Tianyou's fourth-grade Emperor Sage strength, he would probably die if he went there. Anyway, even without him, she and Luo Enen and the others had used their concentrated sword to their full potential, so there was no need for him to take risks.

"Yes, Young Master, Beiyuan City still needs you to take charge of the overall situation. If you leave, we will be leaderless and we won't know how to deal with it if something goes wrong." Lu Changsheng also advised with sincerity.

Of course, he also knew that with Fang Tianyou's strength, going to that ancient secret realm would be very unlucky, but he also knew that this guy was obsessed with saving face, so he could only change his words and put high hats on his head one after another. .

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