My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5174 5174 What you said seems to be right.

"Why?" Lorne asked curiously.

"Alas, you have never been to that swamp abyss. If you had been, you would know it. It is dark and covered with clouds and mist all year round. With the eyesight of our ghost dragon clan, we can barely see the three-foot-long scene clearly. Like. As time goes by, who can still tell the direction clearly? Like me, I am already a genius of the Ghost Dragon Clan.

Tell me, we can be considered queens of the Dragon Clan after all, and the blood of the Dragon Clan flows in our bodies. Why are the Dragon Clan so heartless towards us? If you dislike our ancestors so much, why did you leave your bloodline in the first place? You are the Lord of all beasts, how can you not recognize people when you lift your pants? Do you think so..." Gui Jiao replied with a sad look on his face. As he spoke, he began to feel sad again. He stretched out his crocodile paw and wiped the corners of his eyes. .

It turned out that it was not just the ghost dragon in front of me who was miserable, but the entire ghost dragon clan.

"By the way, how far away is the place you mentioned?" Gu Fenghua didn't want to interrupt him. After all, the poor guy had been trapped in the Demon Map of Bahuang Town for tens of thousands of years, and he finally had a chance to talk. I felt sad and aggrieved in my heart, but thinking of Xie Youran's safety, I couldn't help but ask.

"I can't remember clearly, it's been too long. Let me think about it. Last time I probably went north, then west, then south. It should take me four or five days to get there. I'll go down and have a look later. "Gui Jiao thought about it carefully and replied.

"First go north, then west, then south. Isn't that going in a circle?" Luo Enen demonstrated the route in his mind and asked inexplicably.

"Well, you seem to be right." Gui Jiao stretched out his crocodile paw to hold his chin, and nodded thoughtfully.

"It's not good, it seems like we were just going in circles, okay?" Luo Enen said angrily.

"But that's how I went last time. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to find the way." Gui Jiao said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, just go in circles, as long as you can find it." Gu Fenghua said considerately.

For such a poor road idiot with a miserable life experience, we really can't be too demanding. It would be good if we could find a place.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll go down and have a look later. I was seriously injured last time and ran slowly. It shouldn't take that long this time." Gui Jiao was deeply grateful for Gu Fenghua's consideration and nodded repeatedly.

Hearing what it said, Gu Fenghua could only give up the idea of ​​taking a flying boat across the clouds. Although she can tell the direction with her eyes closed, if she wants to accurately find the location of the ancient ruins, she still has to rely on the ghost dragon. Unfortunately, this guy becomes a road idiot as soon as he goes up to the sky, and he has to fall to the ground from time to time to tell the direction.

With their current level of control over the Yundu Feizhou, it would be better not to put in the effort. Otherwise, if you miss again, you won't know where to fly in a flash, and you will have to go back to Beiyuan City and start all over again.

Anyway, for a few days, with their holy energy, they could hold on even if they didn't stop for a moment.

"By the way, where did I just say?" Gui Jiao asked suddenly.

Luo Enen and others rolled their eyes at the same time, listening to it chattering like a resentful woman. Who could remember where it went?

"By the way, I remembered. You can't recognize anyone when you lift your pants. You are a dragon, and you have the nerve to call yourself the Lord of Beasts..." Gui Jiao had a good memory, so he picked up the topic and continued to speak with a look of contempt.

It turns out that this guy is not only a road fool, but also a talkative one. Gu Fenghua and others all looked helpless.

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