The strong people of the sixth level of Emperor Saint have good intuition and are very effective.

The next moment, everyone felt a lightness on their bodies, and the flying boat flying across the clouds soared into the sky without any warning.

Different from before, this time it was no longer a straight upward rush, but a curved upward rush from left to right, but the speed was not slower than last time, and even a little faster.

In the cabin, everyone was staggering around, swaying helplessly like willows in a storm, and their hearts were swaying from side to side, as if they were about to fly out of their chests.

Fortunately, they all had an experience before. This time they grabbed the table as soon as they had a premonition that the situation was not good, so they were not too frightened, and Fang Tianyou didn't get bruised and bruised like last time.

They were already prepared, but Gui Jiao was obviously unprepared.

"Swish, swish, swish" the sharp wind sounded, and the beast image condensed with the power of the demon soul crashed around the cabin like a rubber ball. A burst of frightened shouts also sounded: "Stop, stop quickly, I want to go down, I want to go down..."

"No, let me go down quickly... Wu..." Later, the shouting became a bit crying.

Luo Enen and others were stunned for a while after hearing this: It seems that this guy's concentration is not that strong, but he was so frightened that he forgot that he could return to the Eight Wastelands Suppressing Demon Map on his own.

As the ghost dragon wished, the Flying Boat was violently beaten again, and then the bow of the boat turned around and plunged downward like an osprey fighting a fish.

However, unlike the curved flight from left to right when it just soared into the sky, this time it not only fell in a curve, but also turned in circles quickly and fell in a spiral.

In the sky of the ship, everyone's heads and feet were spinning rapidly like tops.

"Ah..." Luo Enen finally let out a shrill scream.

Not only Luo Enen, but also Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse and others screamed loudly, but the one who screamed the most miserably was the ghost dragon.

"Ah...Father, mother, help, help..." The cries of father and mother echoed in the cabin for a long time.

The poor ghost bite was spinning around in circles and bumping around in the cabin so fast that he couldn't even see his shadow clearly.

Luo Enen and others were sweating violently, and their nervous and frightened moods calmed down a lot.

Of all the people, only Gu Fenghua remained calm. Even though his head and feet were spinning rapidly in circles, his hands were still making fingerprints steadily. However, even though she had exhausted all her strength and concentrated her spiritual thoughts to the extreme, she could only slow down the speed of her fall and was unable to completely stop Duyun Feizhou.

"Poof!" Just a muffled sound was heard, and the flying boat flew into the snow.

They didn't know how thick the snow layer was, and everyone's vision went dark. They could only feel that the Flying Boat continued to spin in circles and hit the top, like a drill, constantly going deep under the snow.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a magical light flashed in front of his eyes, and the Flying Boat finally stopped.

Luo Enen and others were already so dizzy that their brains were almost turned into mush. Without thinking, they opened the hatch with their fingerprints and rushed out.

The formation to control the flying boat is difficult to practice, but the formation to open the hatch is not difficult. As they made random handprints at the same time, the hatch quickly opened, and Luo Enen and others jumped out of the spaceship one after another, bending down and holding their knees, gasping for air.

Sure enough, vomiting gradually became a habit, and this time they were so dizzy that they didn't retching like before.

"" On the contrary, the ghost dragon jumped down and lay on the ground, stretched its neck and vomited wildly.

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