My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5184 5184 Hug the thigh together

"Jun Haochen's envoy is here. Li couldn't greet him from afar. It's rude and disrespectful." After a long time, Li Canyang said. He said something rude, but his expression was a bit colder than the ice sculptures on both sides of the canyon.

Envoy Haochen! Gu Fenghua and others were shocked. It turned out that the person in front of them was not just one of the top experts in Wuji Holy Heaven, but the envoy of Lord Haochen, Shangguan Haochen, who was known as the head of the Eighteen Lords. —Besides the three great sage kings, he is recognized as the most powerful person in the world!

The most important thing is that in addition to being the leader of the Eighteen Lords, he is also the father of Shangguan Qingxue. No wonder he looks so familiar. Gu Fenghua and others were pleasantly surprised when they learned the identity of the old man in front of them.

Shangguan Qingxue is married to Master Yijie (Mu Qinghan), and is Ye Wuse's master, so Shangguan Haochen is also his master.

Although it is not surprising that fellow disciples would kill each other for the sake of natural resources and treasures, but with the status of Shangguan Haochen, he would never take action against his disciples, nor would he allow others to take action.

The only question was whether he knew Ye Wuse's identity.

Ye Wuse also thought of this, took a step forward, saluted Shangguan Haochen, and took the initiative to sign up.

Normally, with his arrogance, he would never rush to hug Shangguan Haochen's thigh. After all, when he became a disciple of Master Yijie, Shangguan Qingxue didn't even know where Master Yijie was. He and Guan Haochen couldn't even compete with each other. But the situation was different now. He would risk his life for Xie Youran, so what did it matter if he hugged her thighs.

"You are Wu Se, right? I heard Qingxue mentioned you. Mu Qinghan, that bastard, lives a confused life, but he has a good eye for accepting disciples." Before Ye Wuse could say anything, Shangguan Si Haochen turned around and smiled. He said to him with a groan.

"Disciple has met the master." Okay, now there is no need to report to the master and hug his thigh. Ye Wuse felt much more relaxed and quickly saluted.

"No need to give. Our Shangguan family doesn't have so many red tapes. Just feel free to do whatever you want." Shangguan Haochen waved his hand and said freely and uninhibitedly, without any airs of a monarch.

"Are you Gu Fenghua?" Then Shangguan Haochen's eyes fell on Gu Fenghua again.

"Junior Gu Fenghua, pay homage to senior Shangguan." Gu Fenghua also bowed quickly, with a rare sweet and well-behaved smile on his face.

Facing Li Canyang, she had no chance of winning, not to mention that besides Li Canyang, there was also Nie Shitian who was eyeing him. Her only chance is to rely on the power of her blood to pull out the divine sword, but in that case, even if she can force Li Canyang and Nie Shitian back, she may face a greater crisis.

Although she didn't know what the crisis was, Gu Fenghua had an intuition. Once the crisis came, she wouldn't be able to save her life, let alone look for Xie Youran. Therefore, unless she really has no choice, she will never go to that step.

Shangguan Haochen in front of him was obviously the best choice. As long as he is willing to help, all problems will be solved.

For the sake of Xie Youran, Ye Wuse could put aside his deep pride and hug his thigh. What did it matter if she just smiled. I remember that I used to smile like this when trying to please and behave in front of my grandfather, and it always worked to my advantage. Seeing that Shangguan Haochen is quite old, this trick should also work.

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