If he was alone, it wouldn't be a big deal if he gave in. But at this time, there were two disciples standing beside him, and he had just put on a arrogant attitude to stand up for his disciples. If he bowed his head to Shangguan Haochen like this, how could he hold his head up in front of his disciples in the future? Don't forget, he is also one of the Eighteen Envoys of the Wuji Holy Heaven, one of the strongest men in the world.

"Mr. Haochen, please stay!" Li Canyang hesitated for a long time, and finally said through gritted teeth when Shangguan Haochen was about to walk in front of him.

"Why, do you still want to talk to me about first-come, first-served?" Shangguan Haochen asked, the smile on his face fading slightly.

Although his tone was still so indifferent, the air around him became even colder, and the chill seemed to go straight to his bones. Li Canyang and Nie Shitian were a little better, but Li Lie, Chu Qingxuan, and Xiang Wushang beside them turned pale in an instant.

This is the majesty of the head of the Eighteen Envoys of the Wuji Holy Heaven!

"Mr. Haochen is joking, there is no need to talk about first come, first served when the treasures of heaven and earth can be obtained. However, Gu Fenghua and the others still have some unresolved grievances with this disciple of mine. If we cannot seek justice, I will How can you convince the public as a master?" Li Canyang mustered up his courage and said.

"Are you going to stand up for your disciple?" Shangguan Haochen glanced at Li Canyang with disdain, his eyes seemed a little strange.

Nie Xitian's face was expressionless, and the corner of his eye glanced at Li Canyang's face, his eyes even weirder.

Shangguan Haochen has made it so clear. You treat Gu Fenghua and others as your nephews, and you still want to stand up for your disciples. What does this mean? Do you still want to humiliate yourself?

Others may not know it well, but he knows that Shangguan Haochen once had a battle with Li Canyang. It was that battle that established Shangguan Haochen's reputation as the leader of the Eighteen Envoys.

In that battle, Li Canyang was seriously injured. He barely recovered from his injuries after hundreds of years of seclusion. However, his strength was greatly affected. It is said that he has not been able to return to his peak condition to this day.

He really couldn't figure out where Li Canyang got the courage today.

"The grievances between the juniors will be left to the juniors to resolve on their own. I wonder what Mr. Haochen will do?" Li Canyang said.

"No need to go to such trouble, we will solve it for them." Shangguan Haochen said impatiently.

At this time, the extreme northern ice field was full of powerful people. Not only did the major holy sects send powerful people to search for the whereabouts of the ancient ruins, but the six envoys also took action after hearing the news. He didn't take those Holy Sects seriously, but he had to be wary of the other envoys. Although he was known as the leader of the Eighteen Envoys, he was well-deserved for his strength. But as envoys, who can be much stronger than the other? Who can be much weaker than who?

Fighting alone, no other envoy is his opponent, and he would even be humiliating himself, but if one versus two, he has no chance of winning.

If he really waited until other emperors and envoys gathered together, he would only be able to share the benefits of this ancient ruins equally with others. So, he didn't want to waste time on such trivial matters.

"Mr. Haochen, does this seem to be against the rules? I remember that many years ago, we princes and envoys made an agreement. The grievances between the disciples will be settled by themselves. No one is allowed to interfere, so as not to hurt each other. Being harmonious has ruined Wuji Shengtian's long-term plan. As the leader of our eighteen emperors, the envoy Haochen has forgotten this agreement," Li Canyang said.

After hearing these words, Shangguan Haochen suddenly realized what he was planning.

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