My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5189 5189 Thinking too much and thinking too far

Obviously, Li Canyang thought too much and thought too far.

Looking at the arrogant Li Canyang, and then at his even more arrogant precious apprentice, Nie Shitian suddenly felt a little sympathetic.

"Brother Nie..." Seeing Nie Shitian looking at him in a daze, Li Canyang spoke again.

"Okay, then I'll be a witness." Nie Shitian came back to his senses and nodded.

Sympathy was sympathy, but when he thought of Li Canyang's suffocated expression, he felt inexplicably in a good mood. The last time Xiang Wushang and others were defeated by Gu Fenghua and others, he left Chengyun Valley in disgrace. He was completely humiliated, but because of his status, he was too embarrassed to find anyone to complain to. In the future, with Li Canyang, who is also the envoy of the emperor, as his companion, he won't have to be so depressed.

"Let's do it." Li Canyang said to Chu Qingxuan.

"Gu Fenghua, you were lucky and escaped disaster last time. Today, you won't have such good luck again." Chu Qingxuan has been waiting for this moment. Before the master's voice fell, the handprints he had prepared quickly Type out.

The unique fluctuations of the contract between heaven and earth appeared all around, and her eyes quickly turned blood red, so red that she could almost bleed.

"Ouch..." Amidst the roar of the beast, the blood-clawed demon dog appeared in front of him again.

A few days later, all the injuries on its body had healed, and its pair of sharp claws looked like they had just been fished out of a pool of blood, showing a dazzling red color. The blood spread along the claws, and in the blink of an eye, it covered the whole body.

At this time, the blood-clawed demon dog was not only dripping with blood, but also its body was inflated as if it had been inflated. The mane around its neck stood straight up, and it was as mighty as a mighty army. The pair were originally with other monsters. The fangs, which are by no means sharp compared to beasts, also stick out of the mouth, nearly a foot long, and slightly curved like a red blood scimitar.

"Red-blooded Demon Mastiff!" Gu Fenghua exclaimed.

Behind him, Luo Enen, Ye Wuse and others were also shocked.

The red-blooded demon mastiff and the blood-clawed demon dog may not sound too different, but in fact they are completely different. The most important thing is the word mastiff.

In Tianji Continent, there has been a saying of nine dogs and one mastiff since ancient times. This means that in order to tame a more ferocious dog breed, some dog breeders locked ten puppies together and made them kill each other and feed on each other. The one who survived to the end was called a mastiff.

The mastiffs that survive to the end through this cruel competition are no less powerful and ferocious in temperament than ordinary monsters. They have always been the favorites of kings and nobles from all over the world. After all, not everyone has the strength and opportunity to tame a demon pet. Being able to get such a powerful mastiff is undoubtedly a symbol of identity and status.

In Wuji Shengtian, there is also a saying of nine dogs and one mastiff, but it is no longer artificially domesticated, but the result of cruel competition among canine monsters and bloodline mutations. Once a dog mutates into a mastiff, its power and ferocity will , even worse than ordinary monsters.

If it were just an ordinary demon dog, it wouldn't matter if it mutated into a mastiff. It would just be stronger than an ordinary demon beast. But the red-blooded demon mastiff in front of him was mutated from the blood-clawed demon dog. Don’t forget, the Blood Claw Devil Dog is originally an alien species among canine monsters. When it becomes powerful to a certain level, even the top monsters are unwilling to be enemies with it and often choose to give in. Once it mutates into a mastiff, , and how powerful and cruel it should be.

No wonder Li Canyang is so confident, and no wonder Chu Qingxuan is so confident. It turns out that is the reason.

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