My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5191 5191 exceeded his previous expectations

She also has three demon pets, and they are also as close as relatives. If Jianjian, Hei Yao, or Ju Ju are hurt in that way, she will be equally angry. The only difference is that the three naughty children are well-disciplined. She hasn't gotten that bad yet, she is more sensible than Chu Qingxuan. But this is understandable. Chu Qingxuan is not very old and has a master who is an envoy. It is normal for him to be arrogant and arrogant.

In short, when he thought of the family-like relationship between himself and the three naughty children, and then looked at Chu Qingxuan and the Red Blood Demon Mastiff in front of him, Gu Fenghua couldn't help but feel emotional and wanted to give her another chance.

It's a pity that all her hard work was in vain. Chu Qingxuan was only thinking about revenge and washing away the shame. How could she understand Gu Fenghua's good intentions? What's more, she didn't believe at all that she and her demon pet who transformed into a red-blooded demon mastiff Together, they can't even deal with Gu Fenghua.

"Xueya, do it!" Chu Qingxuan shouted while suppressing the tearing pain in her mind, and at the same time she drew her sword and pointed it at Gu Fenghua.

The Red-Blooded Demon Mastiff has long since fallen into madness, with only a trace of intelligence left. It is because of this trace of intelligence that it has not escaped Chu Qingxuan's control. Hearing Chu Qingxuan's shout, the Red-Blooded Demon Mastiff went completely crazy, roaring at the top of his lungs, and lunged towards Gu Fenghua with its endless bloodthirsty ferocity. The sharp fangs and claws also flashed with a more bloody light.

Gu Fenghua raised his sword and his eyes turned cold. She had already given Chu Qingxuan a chance, but if the other party didn't cherish it, there was nothing she could do about it. After all, she is not a saint or sage, and her kindness is limited.

Seven golden holy beads quickly appeared between her eyebrows.

The seventh-grade Emperor Saint, she was actually the seventh-grade Emperor Saint!

Li Canyang was startled, and the conceited sneer suddenly froze on his face.

Emperor Saint Seventh Grade! This Gu Fenghua's cultivation level has actually reached the seventh level of Emperor Saint. Wuji Holy Heaven actually has such a young seventh-grade Emperor Saint! Li Canyang could hardly believe his eyes.

In his first battle with Shangguan Haochen, he ended in a disastrous defeat and helped Shangguan Haochen build his reputation as the leader of the Eighteen Lords. Although it cannot be said that he is the second strongest among the Eighteen Envoys after Shangguan Haochen, it can at least prove that he is not weak in strength and is among the best among the envoys.

Speaking of which, he was considered a rare talent, but he remembered clearly that it took him nearly a thousand years to reach the seventh level of Emperor Saint. Moreover, the spiritual energy of Wuji Holy Sky at that time was much stronger than it is now, and all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures emerged in endlessly. Although the world-destroying catastrophe was brought by Wuji Holy Sky, it also brought great disasters to powerful people like them. Lots of opportunities.

Since the disaster, Wuji Shengtian's spiritual energy of heaven and earth has become increasingly thinner, and the treasures of heaven and earth are far less than before. His strength has also improved more and more slowly, and he has made no progress at all in the past tens of thousands of years. Although there are many talented people in the younger generation of Saint Masters, it is more difficult to practice due to the limitations of heaven and earth spiritual energy and cultivation resources. Even if they rely on increasingly perfect cultivation techniques and their overall strength is stronger than they were at that time, it is still very difficult. Never again will strong men like them emerge.

At Gu Fenghua's age, he was able to reach the seventh level of Emperor Saint, which completely exceeded his previous expectations.

Not only Li Canyang, but others were also shocked.

The seventh-grade Emperor Saint, this damn girl has actually reached the seventh-grade Emperor Saint! Nie Shitian opened his mouth so wide that he could almost fit a big duck egg—no, a big goose egg—in his mouth.

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